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3 answers

Why is the moment of inertia the rotational analog for mass and not inertia?

I've thought that both mass and the moment of inertia measure an object's inertia, one being in translational motion and the other in rotational motion. That has made complete sense to me, but in my ...
Hani Ismael's user avatar
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Maxwell's wheel - moment of inertia vs damping coeff

I am investigating the relationship between the moment of inertia of a yoyo-like apparatus (maxwell's wheel) and its damping coeff. I am adding disks to my yoyo to change its moment of inertia, which ...
LV2's user avatar
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Inertia tensor but expressed after undergoing rotation

Suppose we find a set of basis that constitues the principial axis of some three dimensional body with mass. In this set of basis, our inertia tensor becomes a diagonal matrix, let $I' = diag(I_{x'x'},...
Tanamas's user avatar
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Torque and moment of inertia with bikes

Can someboby please explain to me why it is better for a bicycle/ motor cycle to have lower center of mass when it rounds a turn. What I could gather from the rule I = mr2 Was that the arm is shorter ...
Saev's user avatar
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How many types of inertia are there?

I was looking for types of inertia, but I am confused. My book says there are three types of inertia, namely inertia of rest, inertia of motion, and inertia of direction. But when I searched for these ...
Shinnaaan's user avatar
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4 answers

Why can we calculate moment of inertia, but not inertia?

I'm learning about rotational motion and the moment of inertia. Unlike inertia that I learned before, there is a formula to calculate rotational inertia. I'm having trouble understanding why it's ...
COOKIE's user avatar
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The impact of mass distribution on time taken for a cylinder to roll down a ramp

I am carrying out an experiment to test out the impact of mass distribution on time taken for a cylinder to roll down a ramp. I have kept the overall mass of the cylinder constant, as well as the ...
Physics's user avatar
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Moment of inertia of a rotating square toroid [closed]

I'm trying to work out the moment of inertia (i.e. what would be $I=mr^2$ for a point mass) of the volume of rotation around the y-axis of a square with side length a, at a radius along the x-axis R, ...
T.S's user avatar
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Why does rotational inertia represent the resistance of a body to angular acceleration

I understand how rotational inertia, $I=mr^2$, is defined based on $\tau_z=mr^2 \alpha_z$ as an analogy to the linear inertia $m$. But I'm still not sure why it represents the resistance of a body to ...
Claire's user avatar
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Moment of inertia of a solid sphere; spot the mistake [closed]

What an I doing wrong?: $I = \int r^2dm$ $M = \rho \frac{4}{3} \pi r³$ $dM = \rho \frac{4}{3} \pi 3r²dr = \rho 4 \pi r²dr$ $I = \rho 4π \int r^4dr = \rho 4π \frac{r^5}{5} = \frac{3Mr^2}{5} = \frac{3}{...
Pim Laeven's user avatar
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Integral Issue for Inertia of Disk

I am currently following Taylor's "Classical Mechanics" and I am trying to understand creating the correct integrals to solve some problems related to the inertia of various shapes. I am to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Moment of Inertia using centre of mass knowing distance and weight of rod [closed]

I know the mass, I know the center of gravity position. Can i use this to work out the moment of inertia of a rod. So my ruler is 30 cm long and I know its mass to be 11.8g I have some blu tac which ...
ritzrori's user avatar
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Inertia and related quantities

I wanted to know what is a frame of inertai? Specifically, what does it mean by a frame? I know that inertia is the restistance to motion of a mass, a larger mass resists motion more than a smaller ...
Albert's user avatar
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Calculating new mass moments given change in CG and transformation

Given the mass moments of inertia about the CG of the body pre-rotation, and the new CG & rotation matrix1, how can I find the new mass moments about the body's new CG? My CGs are described as ...
grimetime's user avatar
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How can a flywheel make engine run smoothly?

In the video Moment of Inertia Demo, a man states that moment of inertia will be higher if the masses are away from the axis of rotation. The engine take more power to spin the flywheel, because of ...
Hippy Mule's user avatar

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