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Classical and quantum Hall effects

I am trying to understand the hall effects and have a few problems with them. So let's consider the classical Hall effect. We know that we consider a sample, where the electrons flow, we apply the ...
blahblah's user avatar
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Quantum Hall effect diverges at $B=0$

In the integer quantum Hall effect, with the applied magnetic field reduced, more and more LLs get filled and one can observe higher and higher plateaus in the Hall conductivity $\sigma_H(B)$. ...
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Is diamagnetic part of conductivity always longitudinal/diagonal?

The Kubo formula for linear response is given as $$\sigma_{ab}(\omega)=\frac{i}{\omega}[\Pi_{ab}(\omega)-\Pi_{ab}(\omega=0)]$$ with $\Pi$ the current-current correlation. It is often claimed that the ...
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All closed orbits in semiclassical model

I'm studying from "Solid State Physics" by Ashcroft-Mermin. In particular, in chapter 12 it talks about the semiclassical model and tries to reason about the Hall effect in the limiting case ...
Rhino's user avatar
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Is current density independent of applied fields for Bloch electrons?

Following Ashcroft-Mermin chapter 12 the semiclassical dynamics is governed by $ \dot{\vec{r}} = \vec{v}_n(\vec{k}) = \frac{1}{\hbar}\frac{\partial \epsilon_n(\vec{k})}{\partial \vec{k}} $ and $ \hbar ...
Uphyscs's user avatar
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Hall effect of Metal and Semiconductor [duplicate]

I am pretty much confused in the topic of Hall effect, as it is discussed in Metals and Semiconductor. My question is - Hall effect in Metals is due to electron as they are in majority, so hall ...
Anshul Sharma's user avatar
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Shubnikov-de-Haas effect and Quantum Hall effect

I am wondering if these two phenomena are two names for the same thing or whether these are distinct effects and there are situation where one appears, but the other one doesn't? Both seem to produce ...
tobalt's user avatar
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Why does the presence of magnetoresistive effects indicate the existence of multiple types of charge carriers in a material?

I am currently enrolled in a solid state physics course, and have just completed a lecture on the Hall effect, though it did not go into too much detail. It was mentioned that with van der pauw ...
probablysid's user avatar
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Spin Hall effect

I am trying to understand the paper by Dyakonov and Perel (1971) "Possibility of orienting electron spins with current", but cannot see how they obtain the phenomenological equations for spin density ...
dgwp's user avatar
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Deriving classical Hall effect from quantum Hall effect

I'm interested in the derivation of the classical Hall effect coefficient, given in cgs by $$R_{H}=-\frac{1}{nec},$$ where $n$ is the electron number density, $-e<0$ is the electron charge,and $c$ ...
KernelPanic's user avatar
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Are anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect mutually exclusive?

In many papers that cover an analysis of Hall effects, the spin Hall effect is often qualitatively described as being nearly the same as the anomalous Hall effect except for the fact that it doesn't ...
Malcolm Regan's user avatar
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Topological Hall Effect vs. Anomalous Hall Effect

Is the Topological Hall Effect just another name for the Anomalous Hall Effect in a system that isn't ferromagnetic? That is, will some papers refer to this phenomena as "Topological Hall Effect" ...
Malcolm Regan's user avatar
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Charge carriers type: contradiction between Hall effect and Seebeck effect, how to resolve it?

On one hand the Hall effect consists of a voltage that arises when an electric field and a perpendicular magnetic field are in a material. This makes the charge carriers (electrons or holes) under the ...
untreated_paramediensis_karnik's user avatar