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The limit of GR with infinite speed of light $c$

Just answer what you can. I don't mean the zero curvature flat space time version. I know that the Einstein Field equations use $c$ as a constant, but what would the universe be like if gravity was ...
Lina Jane's user avatar
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Newtonian gravity as curvature of space

Since Newtonian gravity is also indistinguishable from acceleration, it should be possible to formulate it as a curvature in space, right? For example, if a body changes velocities purely under the ...
Ryder Rude's user avatar
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Can someone really explain the curvature of Spacetime?

I can understand the curvature of a sheet which is 2D but i can't understand the 3D curvature of space described in General Relativity. How's really the curvature of space described in GR? Could ...
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Does intrinsic curvature in a higher dimension mean that the lower dimensions also exhibit curvature?

If our universe has intrinsic curvature in a higher dimension, would that mean the 3 dimensions that we live in would be curved? and if so would the lower dimensions exhibit intrinsic or extrinsic ...
tariq nazeem's user avatar
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Why do the ADM-energy, mass and linear momentum work?

In asymptotically flat spacetimes, the ADM-energy, linear momentum and mass are defined as $$E:= \frac{1}{16\pi}\lim_{r\to\infty} \int_{S^2_r}\sum_{i,j}\partial_ig_{ij}-\partial_jg_{ii}\frac{x^j}{r}\...
aceituna's user avatar
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How can existence of a timelike Killing field imply a metric that is independent of time coordinate?

I have read that the existence of an arbitrary timelike killing field implies that we can find some coordinates such that metric is independent of time in that coordinates. For me independence of ...
Timur9717's user avatar
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Doubt about energy conditions: the Time-like Convergence Condition

First of all, consider a congruence of smooth time-like geodesics parametrized by proper time $\tau$. So, a tangent vector to a time-like geodesic is indeed a four-velocity up to a factor constant; ...
M.N.Raia's user avatar
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Can I state that a spacetime is homogeneous and isotropic iff $\nabla_\mu R = 0$?

If a spacetime is homogenous and isotropic can I say that $\nabla_\mu R =0$? I was reading this paper and, I think that is the justification for the authors ...
Bob's user avatar
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Gravitation function (or space-time distorsion variation) below Schwarzschild radius

Let's consider a massive sphere (with an approximate constant density, not charged, not rotating, no anti-matter for example an Earth simplified model). On the outside of this sphere, $g(r) = \alpha/{...
dan's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What is the motivation from Physics for the Levi-Civita connection on GR?

On General Relativity the Levi Civita connection is quite important. Indeed, General Relativity is all about connecting the curvature of spacetime with the distribution of matter and energy, at least ...
Gold's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to measure Torsion and Non-metricity?

In General Relativity, we most often work with the Levi-Civita connection (metric and torsion-free). What kind of experiment can we make to be sure that our physical space-time indeed is torsion-free ...
Boris B's user avatar
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161 votes
6 answers

Why would spacetime curvature cause gravity?

It is fine to say that for an object flying past a massive object, the spacetime is curved by the massive object, and so the object flying past follows the curved path of the geodesic, so it "appears" ...
user1648764's user avatar
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Can masses move in 2+1 gravity?

I would like to understand basic concepts of the general relativity in 2+1 spacetime. As far as I know, GR predicts that such a spacetime is flat everywhere except for the point masses which create ...
Leos Ondra's user avatar
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