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Maximizing proper time with parabolic trajectory in uniform gravitational field

In Feynman Lectures, Vol II, Chapter 42, he states, "In a uniform gravitational field the trajectory with the maximum proper time for a fixed elapsed time is a parabola." How can I prove ...
sku's user avatar
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How can I calculate gravitational time dilation between two planets? [duplicate]

I am writing a school paper and chose to do it about gravitational time dilation. I wanted to calculate the time that passed on Mars when 1000 years on Earth went by. (probably a tiny difference). I ...
Mateo Loral's user avatar
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How much time dilation are we experiencing here on Earth? [duplicate]

We experience time dilation from speed and gravity, but we are in more than just the Earth's gravity field, but also the sun's and the galaxy's gravity field and we are both spinning at 1,670 km/h, ...
hans nordblad's user avatar
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Gravitational time dilation in weak field

A plane flies at a constant height $h$. I should calculate, which speed $v$ the plane shoud have, such that an observer on ground sees the a clock whithin the plane tick in the same rate as a clock on ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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How much faster does time pass in a star orbiting a black hole compared to earth?

I want to calculate the shifting of the time in a star that orbits a supermassive black hole, i already know that if the star is orbiting at 5000 km/s with respect to earth the time will be 1/(1-(5000^...
Sartem Cacartem's user avatar
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Time dilation caused by gravity and special relativistic velocity [closed]

I am working on an exercise for my Relativity class. The exercise is: Two atomic clocks are transported in two aeroplanes once around the Earth in either eastern or western direction. For ...
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Gravity Time Dilation interior to a planet

Regarding Gravity Time Dilation: We know that, in a stronger gravitational field, time passes more slowly. As one descends below the Earth's surface, how does the intensity of gravitational pull ...
Jeroboam Bramblejam's user avatar
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Time dilation on moving clocks [closed]

Three observers are standing on Earth's surface with identical indestructible clocks. One observer tosses his clock up such that it returns to its original height after a time T by that clock. The ...
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Correlation between gravity and time dilation

If gravity field increases logarithmically, should time dilation increase proportionately? say gravity increases to $g=10$, $g=100$, $g=1000$, or even $g=10,000$; what should the time difference be at ...
KEinstien's user avatar
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Gravitational time dilation and neutron stars [closed]

How great is the gravitational time dilation close to a neutron star? How would the effects of gravitational time dilation compare with the event horizon of a black hole?
Ben Rutherford's user avatar
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To what extent can time be dilated on Earth?

Though the value would be pretty small, I was still curious about knowing that numeric value.
sanyam sharma's user avatar
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Does a clock oscillating in a friction-free hole through the center of a planet run slower than a stationary clock on the surface?

Assume a clock is dropped into a friction-free hole through the center of a symmetric, non-rotating planet, far from any other massive object. Clearly, the clock oscillates from one end of the hole to ...
Ira's user avatar
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Movie Interstellar - Question about Escape Velocity

The movie Interstellar shows people on a water planet where time is dilated so much that 1 hour is equal to 7 years back on Earth. Even though they lift off from Earth using a Saturn-V two stage ...
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