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Pauli Exclusion Principle in Landau Fermi's liquid theory

I do not understand how Pauli exclusion principle helps us to understand the excitations in Landau Fermi's liquid theory. In Landau Fermi liquid theory, Pauli exclusion principle and adiabatic ...
Ricky Pang's user avatar
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Is is possible to extract an effective Hamiltonian from a Boltzmann equation (or any other kinetic theories)?

I got kind of confused when reading Xiaogang Wen's famous textbook Quantum Field Theory of Many-body Systems. In Section 5.3.3 the book claims that From a kinetic theory of Fermi liquid (a Boltzmann ...
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Why do we study fermi system at half-filling state?

I am reading Shankar's paper on RG for interacting fermions and in the paper, all study is done on Fermi system at half-filling state. Is there any specific reason why? Also, does it make a different ...
Dany Caroll's user avatar
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Failure of Hertz-Millis-Moriya theory for quantum phenomena

In the quantum critical phenomena of condensed matter, the earlier work by Hertz, Moriya and Millis develope the the Hertz-Millis-Moriya (HMM) theory of quantum phase transition. Naively, they ...
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The "dangerous" fixed points for Renormalization Group

What is the definition of dangerously irrelevant renormalization-group (RG) fixed point? What are some examples of dangerously irrelevant RG fixed points? Do we also have the use of dangerously ...
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No Lagrangian description v.s. No quasi-particle description

This post is aimed to stimulate some discussions. We are familiar with many physical descriptions and theories of the (many-body quantum) system, with both quasi-particle description and Lagrangian ...
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