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How is the energy content in 1 kg of water and petrol the same?

We know petrol is a fuel and water is not. But how come 1 kg of water and 1 kg of petrol have the same energy content? The total energy is given by $E=mc^2$, it says nothing about the chemical ...
Shafeek's user avatar
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Nuclear fusion kinetic energy nucleons theory

Is this theory correct? I got this theory from a nuclear fusion expert in stack exchange and he told me to confirm it here... The theory: When two nuclei come closer enough (due to external energy ...
Nuclear fusion's user avatar
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Tightly bound energy configuration for nucleons?

In fusion, why are nucleons of the product nucleus tightly bound and in a lower energy configuration than the nucleons in the reactant nuclei? I think the reason a large amount of energy is released ...
fusion researcher's user avatar
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Nuclear fusion mass defect and energy production

In researching the topic of nuclear fusion, I have a few doubts related to the mass defect, 'negative' potential energy and resultant energy released as a by-product of nuclear fusion. When two ...
Hardik 's user avatar
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Internal energy bound configuration in nuclear fusion [closed]

I have read that when a reaction occurs in which the products of the reaction are in a less energetic state than the reactants, the kinetic energy of the products is increased over that of the ...
Hardik 's user avatar
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Nuclear FISSION origin

Neutrons and protons consist of quarks, and when a neutron and a proton are squeezed tightly enough together, the quarks in each begin to interact and cause them to attract one another. The resulting ...
Hardik Rathi's user avatar
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Energy turns into mass [closed]

I studied on YouTube that when mass is converted into energy, energy is converted into mass somewhere, but when I searched for this theory, I did not find it. Does anyone know what the name of this ...
Redouane Belfakih's user avatar
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How can the products of a higher energy fusion reaction be heavier?

I was told the mass defect of an atom is the difference in mass of the atom versus it's particles, for example: carbon 12 is less massive than 6 protons + 6 neutrons + 6 electrons. this negative ...
asdfasdfasdf's user avatar
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Mass energy equivalence, binding energy and chemical reactions [duplicate]

I recently was nuclear physics there I learned that the the actual mass of a nucleus is less than what we expect it to be (simply adding the masses of the nucleons). It is due to the release of ...
chittaranjan rout's user avatar
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What is more massive, Proton, standard Hydrogen?

If you consider the classical states of hydrogen, one in which the electron is rotating at an orbital distance of $r$ and then take $\lim_{r\to\infty}$ one obtains that the $r_\infty$ state has more ...
Mike D. Danh's user avatar
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How does Pauli exclusion principle cause the coupling term in Weizsäcker formula?

Consider the pairing term in Weizsäcker formula. Here it is claimed that: Due to the Pauli exclusion principle the nucleus would have a lower energy if the number of protons with spin up were ...
Sørën's user avatar
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Rest mass of the nucleus and its constituent nucleons

One of the question in my book says that if $E$ denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and $n$ a neutron then, a.) $E(U^{236}_{92})>E(I^{137}_{53})+E(Y^{97}_{39})+2E(n)$ b.)$E(U^{236}_{92})<...
Shuvam Shah's user avatar