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How does mass relate to kinetic energy?

I was working on homework and I had to list what kinetic energy depends on. Interestingly, it turns out it's also based on mass, not only speed. Does anyone have an explanation?
user386598's user avatar
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Confusion in calculation of power [duplicate]

Question- Sand is being dropped from a stationary dropper at a rate of 0.5 kg s$^{-1}$ on a conveyor belt moving with a velocity of 5 ms¹. The power needed to keep belt moving with the same velocity ...
Pumpkin_Star's user avatar
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Change of velocity without doing work

Body of mass $1\rm\, kg$ is moving towards left side at velocity of $-2\rm\,m/s$ and is slowing down due to the constant external force until it stops. After that, it's speeding up towards the right ...
jeaq's user avatar
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Kinetic energy with respect to center of mass frame (COM) [closed]

Let there be an object having some chemicals in it. It starts moving with a uniform velocity $v$ and a chemical reaction starts happening. In this case, which of the following statement/s is/are ...
Bully Maguire's user avatar
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How much vertical weight/height do I need to store 33 kWh of energy? [closed]

My question is the feasibility of a vertical mechanical weight battery, but unlike previous questions, I wanted to give a precise scenario and see if my math is right (which I doubt) First, it takes 1....
hippypink's user avatar
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Is the change in Kinetic Energy not equal to the work done when mass changes at some rate?

Here the Rate of change in Kinetic energy is not equal to the the power. Please explain
Neerav Singla's user avatar
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The 1-dimensional Kronig-Penney Model: Trying to understand the relation between hopping energy and effective mass

The 1-dimensional Kronig-Penney Model predicts a relationship between energy, $E$ and wavenumber, $k$ of the form: $$\cos(ka)=\cos(qa) - \frac{m_e\,A\,t_0\,\sin(qa)}{\hbar^2\,qa}$$ where $$q=\sqrt{\...
Electra's user avatar
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Minimum energy of proton converting into a neutron

I'm given the isotope sodium 22 (which is positron emitter) and I'm stuck with calculating the minimum energy that a proton needs to convert into a neutron and a positron. It got to do with $E=MC^2$ ...
Dsap1912's user avatar
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How are these two definitions of energy related/derive from each other? [closed]

How are these two definitions of energy related/derive from each other: $$E = \frac{mc^2} {\sqrt{(1 - v^2/c^2)}}$$ vs. $$E = \sqrt{m^2c^4 + p^2c^2}~?$$ Both equations express the relation between ...
Andrew Peter Prifer's user avatar
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Rest mass of the nucleus and its constituent nucleons

One of the question in my book says that if $E$ denote the rest mass energy of a nucleus and $n$ a neutron then, a.) $E(U^{236}_{92})>E(I^{137}_{53})+E(Y^{97}_{39})+2E(n)$ b.)$E(U^{236}_{92})<...
Shuvam Shah's user avatar
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How to calculate KE using only mass and height [closed]

For our physics (high school level) group project, we were asked to modify a selected toy so that it produces an energy output of at least or roughly 110% (10% more) compared to the original toy. Our ...
BPA-Free Plastic Water Bottle's user avatar
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Conservation of Mass, Momentum and Energy - Airburst Rounds

I have a airburst round with set amount of fragments with a certain shape inside my bullet. After a certain distance has travelled, a charge explodes in the back of the round disintegrating the shell ...
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