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How was the universe once small enough to be subject to quantum mechanical effects?

I have often read that our universe was once small enough to be subjected to quantum mechanical effects, potentially altering how our universe turned out. This is a large theme in Laura Mersini-...
cosmicpawn's user avatar
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Is the inflation theory based on the inflaton field or electronuclear force carriers decay? [duplicate]

Some sources introduce the inflaton field as the cause of the inflation period in the big bang theory, and some others relate it to the decay of electronuclear bosons. Which one of these is ...
Draku's user avatar
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Did Stephen Hawking propose that the universe arised from truly nothingness?

Stephen Hawking giving a lecture describing how the universe would have arisen from his model (developed with James Hartle) or "no boundary" conditions, once said: Unlike the black hole pair ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Are any present particles entangled due to their common origin in the big bang?

Are any present particles entangled due to their common origin in the beg bang? Have they been too transformed to be entangled or never entangled to begin with?
scm's user avatar
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How do we know what happened during the Planck epoch era of the big bang?

The Cosmic Microwave Background provides the left over radiation of the big bang. Cosmologists have theorised what happened at the Planck epoch era of the big bang. Where is the evidence of what ...
Moose's user avatar
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How was electrical charge formed in the Big Bang?

We know that fundamental particles (Quarks, electrons, etc.) were formed a while after the Big Bang. How was their electrical charge (its value and sign) determined? Was electrical charge present in ...
Alex L's user avatar
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What is meant by "spontaneous creation" in this paper?

I have some questions in regard to the paper "Spontaneous creation of the universe from nothing". If I am not mistaken it is akin to Alexander Vilenkin's proposed cosmological model that has the ...
momo666's user avatar
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Quantum Wavefunctions Without Space

A handful of physicists have a rather peculiar definition of 'nothing' in terms of cosmology. Their claim is that the Universe, assuming it has 0 total energy, could have arisen from nothing but ...
Goodies's user avatar
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Could the universe have evolved WITHOUT the non-determinism of quantum mechanics? [closed]

(I'm going to make a few conjectures here - please answer the question in light of them as if they were true, even though of course they may be overly simplistic or wrong) Assuming that: the ...
bagel's user avatar
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Does the uncertainty principle violate the law of conservation of energy?

What is the scientific view of the beginning of universe? Quantum fluctuation seems to contradict with the law of conservation of energy. Uncertainty Principle does seem to violate the Law of ...
Tom Lynd's user avatar
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Particles entangled after the big bang

Is that true that the big bang caused the quantum entanglement of all the particles of the universe so every particle is entangled to each other particle of the universe?
Diptox's user avatar
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Was Planck's constant $h$ the same when the Big Bang happened as it is today?

Was Planck's constant $h$ the same when the Big Bang happened as it is today? Planck's constant : $$h= 6.626068 × 10^{-34}\, m^2 kg / s,$$ $$E=n.h.\nu,$$ $$\epsilon=h.\nu$$
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