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What is the reheating temperature of neutrinos during the BBN?

I want to integrate a differential distribution function of sterile neutrinos and the boundaries are the decoupling and the reheating temperature of neutrinos, but I don't know what is an acceptable ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Neutrino energy density vs photon energy density

So I'm currently following a course in Cosmology and we're covering the densities of different species in the universe right now. Starting from the photon density $\rho_{\gamma}$ we need to derive the ...
CFRedDemon's user avatar
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How would cold neutrinos get trapped by stars?

Continuing on from the cool physics Q&A'd on the threads Where are all the slow neutrinos?, Is it possible that all "spontaneous nuclear decay" is actually "slow neutrino" ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
30 votes
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What does the cosmic neutrino background look like today, given that neutrinos possess mass?

This question is inspired by (or a follow-up to) the threads Where are all the slow neutrinos? and Is it possible that all “spontaneous nuclear decay” is actually “slow neutrino” induced? The cosmic ...
Jeppe Stig Nielsen's user avatar
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Is it possible that dark-matter is composed of a large number of neutrinos from the big bang? [duplicate]

They seem to have all the properties of dark-matter (massive, with no electromagnetic interaction). Could it be that many of the neutrinos produced since the big bang have formed massive neutrino ...
mkmkmk4's user avatar
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Searching for Big Bang Neutrinos

How is it possible to discover neutrinos from the big bang? Were the neutrinos emitted just before the big bang? Or at the same moment? If they moved outward in all directions, basically unhindered ...
r_kramer's user avatar
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If we could build a telescope to view the cosmic neutrino background, what would we see?

If we could build a neutrino telescope capable of viewing relic neutrinos that decoupled after the big bang, with a similar angular and spectral resolution that is possible now for the CMB (e.g. with ...
ProfRob's user avatar
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Experimental evidence for the relic neutrinos

What are the experimental (indirect) evidence for the cosmic neutrino background? Where can I read more about this? The discussion on the wikipedia page about the C$\nu$B seems to me to be more ...
Anne O'Nyme's user avatar
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Do primordial background neutrinos orbit in dark matter halos?

According to Wikipedia, neutrinos separated from other matter seconds after the Big Bang and formed a separate background radiation field which now fills space at a temperature ~2 K. Supposing ...
Blackbody Blacklight's user avatar
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How to calculate the density of relic neutrinos?

May be not neutrinos, but antineutrinos? Or both types? In the last case, why they didn't annihilate and what is the ratio of relic neutrinos to relic antineutrinos? Is that ratio somehow related to ...
voix's user avatar
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