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Advantage of coherent path integral

I think(?) I am quite familiar with path integral over phase space, but not familiar with the coherent state path integral. What is the advantage of this coherent path integral besides the usual path ...
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BCS groundstate as eigenstate of the Cooper pair annihilation operator

In section 3.7 of his book Introduction to Superconductivity (2nd Ed.), Tinkham states that [...] we note that S has the eigenvalue $e^{i\varphi}$ in a BCS state in which the the phase of $\Delta$ [.....
Lucas Baldo's user avatar
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Coherent state of "generalized" annihilation operator

We all know that the coherent state $|\alpha \rangle=\sum_n \, \frac{\alpha^n}{n!}\,(a^{\dagger})^n \, |0\rangle $ is an eigenstate of the annihilation operator: $a |\alpha\rangle = \alpha |\alpha \...
curio's user avatar
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Exponential of ladder operators acting on vacuum state [closed]

How would I solve expressions of the following nature: $$<0|e^{Vt(a+a^\dagger)}|0>$$ and $$<0|e^{\omega aa^\dagger t}|0>~?$$ My intuition is that I have to expand the exponent as a ...
onknc's user avatar
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Doi's second quantization: expected value of Hamiltonian

I am currently trying to understand section 3.3 from this article, about how to use second quantization techniques in statistical mechanics. Here I have the creation and annihilation operators defined ...
Victor Buendía's user avatar
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Scalar product of coherent states

We suppose for simplicity we have a 1D oscillator, but this is a question about the general CCR in oscillators, second quantization, quantum field theory etc. We know coherent states form a non-...
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