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Falling angle of a photon near the event horizon

I have been doing simulations using Mathematica of light and matter paths (plotted in the $r, \phi$ Schwarzschild coordinates) around a black hole, in the Schwarzschild metric. This was in order to ...
Daniel P's user avatar
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Is it possible for the trajectory of a photon in curved time space to be circular?

I am currently working on some work with neutron stars so this led me to calculations of photon trajectories in curved spacetime. These are the steps I followed to write code that would produce ...
kkrish's user avatar
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Photon Sphere Planck Recalibration

Say a black hole's Schwarzchild radius is equal to the Planck length then a horizontal formula can be established as $A = 4\pi \ell^2$ [1]. I've tried to find an analogue of this set up online but can'...
MaskedMagician's user avatar
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Calculating divergence and flux of geodesic word lines

Given a family of neighbouring geodesic word lines, is there a way of calculating properties such as their divergence or flux? maybe by converting the tangent vectors of the world lines to a vector ...
Tachyon's user avatar
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How close does a photon have to get to a black hole to do a full loop?

How close does a photon have to get to a black hole to do ONE full loop? By full loop I mean it curves once around the black hole, and then it ends up on the same trajectory as it was one before it ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Regarding the radial motion of photons

Photons move on null geodesics and the equation of motion on equatorial plane after some algebra can be written as $$e^{\nu}\dot{t}^2-e^{-\nu}\dot{r}^2-r^2\dot{\phi}^2 = 0$$ $\phi =0$ for the radial ...
Monopole's user avatar
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Trajectory of a photon beyond the event horizon

So this random question popped up in my mind. As we know the photons get deflected if they pass in the vicinity of a black hole. At the event horizon(right before it), they form the photon sphere. The ...
Chirag Arora's user avatar