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Are black holes the edge of our universe?

Are black holes the actual edge of the universe? Because spacetime is another dimension, I would assume the universe doesn’t have perceived corners or edges. At least humans cannot perceive it. The ...
Mekkel's user avatar
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Does spacetime move? With respect to what?

Can spacetime itself rotate along a body, like a black hole? Would it move like a wave?
Antoniou's user avatar
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Is it experimentally verifiable if we are a inside a white hole that never fully formed?

There are a lot of questions on this site about white holes, but none of them specifically answer my question. Most of these questions talk about observing white holes from outside, but do not talk ...
Árpád Szendrei's user avatar
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Is it possible we live in a white hole?

Is it possible we live in a white hole? We live in a universe that is expanding at an accelerating rate – does this not seem similar to a white hole? Could a living organism interpret a black hole as ...
Christian's user avatar
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Was the singularity at the big bang a black hole? [duplicate]

Was the singularity at the big bang a black hole? If not, how does the singularity compare to a black hole?
Cabbage Champion's user avatar
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Big crunch scenario, would black holes form?

Imagine a big crunch scenario in which everything (or almost everything as for I have other doubts, eg about entropy...) rolls back. Shouldn't the contracting universe reach a point of density at ...
Alchimista's user avatar
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What is the cause of the vacuum of space?

It seems logical that if space is expanding and also being dragged into black holes throughout the universe, the result would be a vacuum in the universe. Is that a satisfactory explanation of why ...
Jungle Jargon's user avatar
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If I pointed a laser directly at Sagittarius A* from Earth, how likely is it to reach the event horizon?

Given the extreme low-density of space, is it likely to reach the event horizon without interference from other matter?
Thor Ether's user avatar
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How does the infinite density of the early universe or black holes not violate Fermi-Dirac statistics? [duplicate]

When we talk about the Robertson-Walker scale factor in the early universe or the matter inside a black hole event horizon, there must be an arbitrarily large or infinite density. But how can this ...
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What happens to black holes if/when the universe "ends"

I've heard several ideas about what happens to the universe when it dies, and they range from infinite expansion and heat death, to a "big crunch". In the event that something like a "big crunch" ...
CoilKid's user avatar
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If the observable universe were compressed into a super massive black hole, how big would it be?

I understand only a little of general relativity, but that's why I'm here! :) Consider the hypothetical situation of some extra-terrestrial intelligence pushing all the mass in the observable ...
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