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Ejected bodies, dynamical friction and dark energy?

I have a question after reading a couple of papers ( and Here, the authors seem to indicate that when bodies like stars ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Does spacetime move? With respect to what?

Can spacetime itself rotate along a body, like a black hole? Would it move like a wave?
Antoniou's user avatar
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What does it mean that "relativistic material becomes cosmologically coupled to the expansion rate" in the recent dark-energy black-hole paper?

The recent paper "Observational Evidence for Cosmological Coupling of Black Holes and its Implications for an Astrophysical Source of Dark Energy" has made a splash in the popular press. ...
tparker's user avatar
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How can black holes possibly drive accelerating expansion of the universe?

(Potentially too broad, but all my questions are related to the paper in question.) Recently there was an article published in Astrophysical Journal Letters that claims black holes "contribute ...
Allure's user avatar
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Dark energy stars disproven by Event Horizon images?

I was reading about the hypothesis advanced by George Chapline and Robert Laughlin that black holes might actually be 'dark energy stars', regions where spacetime has undergone a phase transition (e.g....
matteo's user avatar
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How can the interior pressure of compact objects affect cosmology?

This paper suggests that dark energy concentrated in black hole interiors (they use an unconventional BH model) could act like a cosmological constant. Their claim is that to calculate the equation of ...
Kevin Kostlan's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between Black Holes and the Big Bang?

As the question mentions, is there a relationship between the Big Bang and Black Holes? It appears the Big Bang is a ‘tacked on’ theory that doesn’t align with current theories (since we don’t know or ...
Christian's user avatar
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Why doesn't the cosmological constant cause black holes to form?

The cosmological constant acts as matter with positive energy but negative pressure. Then a region $R$ should have energy $E\sim \Lambda r^3$. On the other hand, we know that the energy for a black ...
Wein Eld's user avatar
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Could black holes be driving the expanding universe (dark energy)?

I would like to start be saying I'm no Physicist. Anyway, my question is: Could black holes be driving the expanding universe (dark energy)? When I think of the image that the effect of massive ...
Chris Carter's user avatar
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Is dark energy around a black hole locally curved?

The repartition of dark energy in the vacuum is homogeneous all over the universe. The diagram below represents space with a black hole in the middle. The square is divided in small unit squares. If ...
Moonraker's user avatar
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What will happen to a naked singularity during the Big Rip? [duplicate]

I apologize in advance if some concepts I use are vague, but I am just an enthusiast. I have read that the Big Rip will not rip off black holes because the event horizon will become equal to something ...
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Cosmology questions from a novice

These ideas/questions probably represent a lack of understanding on my part, but here they are: 1) Cosmologists talk about the increasing speed of expansion of the universe and talk of dark energy as ...
Chris Vincent's user avatar
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Is a new universe created when dark energy rips open a singularity?

Dark energy will tear everything apart, even black holes. Is a new universe created when dark energy rips open the singularity of a black hole ? And does the topology of the universe depend on the ...
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