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Questions tagged [anharmonic-oscillators]

Problems concerning oscillators that are not harmonic (i.e. for forces that are not linearly proportional to position).

2 votes
1 answer

How to compute the vector field from a potential in the complex plane?

I am watching this Youtube video and I have the following dumb question around 1:18:00: How do you draw the vector field for a given potential in the complex plane? He gives the potential $V(x) = x^4-...
Wyatt Kuehster's user avatar
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Robustness to noise of a parametric oscillator

I'm an experimentalist working with trapped nanoparticles with optical dipole trap experiments. In the experiment, surprisingly I observed that if I periodically modulate (at full depth) the trap ...
Some random physicist's user avatar
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2 answers

Period of the pendulum (realistic) is shortening in time?

I am doing an experiment with a pendulum and am trying to measure its period over time. I built myself a contraption that uses a 3D printed pendulum with a weight attached at the end. For this ...
Patrik Kokinda's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is Simple Pendulum not SHM?

Why does Simple pendulum's motion not hold as SHM for large angles, only for small angle approximations? The restoring force is still directed towards the mean position. I know mathematically the ...
High School Student's user avatar
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3 answers

Dynamics of a mass-spring system with non-ideal spring

Show that a mass attached to a non ideal spring that has a restoring force given by $-kx-ax^3$, where $x$ is the displacement from the equilibrium position, executes a periodic motion. What's the ...
Lucas Rodrigo's user avatar
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1 answer

Does a chain of classical harmonic oscillators exhibit non-harmonic oscillations?

Consider a one dimensional chain of N classical point masses interacting with neighbor harmonic forces. Is it possible to find initial conditions (positions and velocities) such that non-periodic (...
YoussefMabrouk's user avatar
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1 answer

Solving differential equation in perturbation theory

The differential equation of an anharmonic Oscillator with Newtonian friction is $$ \ddot{x}+\varepsilon \dot{x}^2+x=0 .$$ The initial conditions of the System are $$ \begin{align*} x(0)&=1\\ \...
Jowo's user avatar
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