
In classical mechanics, the Hamiltonian is well defined by the Lagrangian. Whereas, energy is a very ambiguous term. We just say $E=T+U$, and usually it equals to Hamiltonian. Does there exist a way that, by just looking at the Lagrangian mathematically, we immediately know the relationship between the Hamiltonian and the energy of the system?

And if we have a system, the Hamiltonian of which does not equal to energy, what is the physical meaning of that difference?


1 Answer 1


There are some technical conditions (on the type of constraints in your system) but operationally $H$ is the total energy when $\sum_i \dot q_i p_i$ is $2\times$ the kinetic energy. Then clearly $$ H=\sum_i \dot q_i p_i-L=2T-(T-U)=T+U\, . $$

If this is not the case, $H$ may be conserved but it's just not $E$. This occurs in a wide variety of systems, such as the flyball governor, and systems where some external agent maintains a constant rate of rotation (v.g. beads on rotating wires of various shapes.) The dynamics is still constrained to remain on curves or surfaces of constant $H$, but there is usually no physical interpretation to this conserved quantity.

The simplest cases where $H$ is the energy are natural systems, for which the kinetic energy is quadratic in the velocities $$ T=\sum_{ij} m_{ij}\dot q_i\dot q_j $$ and there is no explicit time-dependence on $t$ in the Lagrangian.


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