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Say a basketball is falling towards the ground with very high speed. Would this cause the particles of the surface of the ball and the air particles inside to vibrate faster? If so, why? Thanks! Edit: I know this question is a little vague, but I hope it makes sense.

Say a basketball is falling towards the ground with very high speed. Would this cause the particles of the surface of the ball and the air particles inside to vibrate faster? If so, why? Thanks!

Say a basketball is falling towards the ground with very high speed. Would this cause the particles of the surface of the ball and the air particles inside to vibrate faster? If so, why? Thanks! Edit: I know this question is a little vague, but I hope it makes sense.

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Does greater kinetic energy increase speed at an atomic level?

Say a basketball is falling towards the ground with very high speed. Would this cause the particles of the surface of the ball and the air particles inside to vibrate faster? If so, why? Thanks!