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Resources for Gravitational Soliton (specially on the Belinski–Zakharov transform)

Can someone provide some resources (books, notes, articles etc.) on Gravitational Soliton (specially on the Belinski–Zakharov transform)?

I've found only the following two reference from the Wikipedia references:

  1. Belinskii, V.; Zakharov, V. $(1978)$. "Integration of the Einstein Equations by Means of the Inverse Scattering Problem Technique and Construction of Exact Soliton Solutions". Sov. Phys. JETP. $48~(6):~985–994$. ISSN $0038-5646$.
  2. Belinski, V.; Verdaguer, E. ($2001$). Gravitational Solitons. Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics.

I'm searching for a few more.

NOTE: Wikipedia is saying,

The Belinski–Zakharov (inverse) transform is a nonlinear transformation that generates new exact solutions of the vacuum Einstein's field equation. It was developed by Vladimir Belinski and Vladimir Zakharov in $1978$.$^{[1]}$ The Belinski–Zakharov transform is a generalization of the inverse scattering transform. The solutions produced by this transform are called gravitational solitons (gravisolitons).