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Vincent Thacker
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Vincent Thacker

Hi, despite my low reputation, I would like to nominate myself as a moderator because I have a strong passion for this site and I care about it deeply. For many years, even before I created an account here, this site has played an indispensable role in broadening my knowledge, helping me see things from new perspectives I never would've thought of, and most importantly, strengthening my passion and love for physics. Therefore, I believe that it is only right that I give back to this site that has helped me so much throughout my journey in science, and it would be a great honor if I were to serve as a moderator to help maintain the site and ensure quality content for many more years to come.

I have a couple of years of experience moderating chat groups and an academic Q&A platform where a certain set of rules need to be adhered to. I am fairly active here and I expect that I will be able to spend two hours a day moderating, give or take.

As a side note, my time zone is GMT+8 (East Asia), which I feel will fit in nicely with the other moderators (whom I believe are primarily located in US and Europe).