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Are the Christoffel Symbols for the geodesic equation of motion,symbols all zero, in case of gravity-free space?

$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

[Edited] I'm new to GR. I was looking at the geodesic equation of motion, looking at what I could understand about the metric from it. I was trying to think$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0, $$ and thinking about how I couldto identify gravity free-free spaces in the future by looking at the Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho}$. For example, if I know that it isthey were zero, under certain limits I wouldcould check what kind of expressions/signs metric derivatives take. I also wantedCan this be used to try out fast-moving limits on my own before checkingshow that the is gravity-free?

Are the Christoffel Symbols for the geodesic equation of motion, all zero, in case of gravity-free space?

$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

[Edited] I'm new to GR. I was looking at the equation of motion, looking at what I could understand about the metric from it. I was trying to think how I could identify gravity free spaces in the future by looking at the Christoffel symbols. For example, if I know that it is zero, under certain limits I would check what kind of expressions/signs metric derivatives take. I also wanted to try out fast-moving limits on my own before checking the text.

Are the Christoffel symbols all zero in gravity-free space?

I was looking at the geodesic equation, $$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0, $$ and thinking about how to identify gravity-free spaces by looking at the Christoffel symbols $\Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho}$. For example, if they were zero, under certain limits I could check what kind of expressions/signs metric derivatives take. Can this be used to show that the space is gravity-free?

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$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

[Edited] I'm new to GR. I was looking at the equation of motion, looking at what I could understand about the metric from it. I was trying to think how I could identify gravity free spaces in the future by looking at the Christoffel symbols. For example, if I know that it is zero, under certain limits I would check what kind of expressions/signs metric derivatives take. I also wanted to try out fast-moving limits on my own before checking the text.

$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

[Edited] I'm new to GR. I was looking at the equation of motion, looking at what I could understand about the metric from it. I was trying to think how I could identify gravity free spaces in the future by looking at the Christoffel symbols. For example, if I know that it is zero, under certain limits I would check what kind of expressions/signs metric derivatives take. I also wanted to try out fast-moving limits on my own before checking the text.

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Are the Christoffel Symbols for the geodesic equation of motion, all zero, in case of gravity free-free space?

$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

Are the Christoffel Symbols for the geodesic equation of motion, all zero, in case of gravity free space?

$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $

Are the Christoffel Symbols for the geodesic equation of motion, all zero, in case of gravity-free space?

$$\ddot{x}^\mu + \Gamma^\mu{}_{\nu\rho} \dot{x}^\nu \dot{x}^\rho = 0 $$

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