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David Z
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Physics of various Reference on stages of heavy ion collisions in particle physics

Is there any reference (book/review article etc.) where the Physicsphysics of heavy ion collisions is overviewed?

BeingTo be absolutely clear about things, I am looking for a introductory review which covers the Physics aspectsphysics aspects of the progression through the following stages

stable nuclei -> fireball -> quark-gluon plasma formation -> (cooling) -> hadronization -> hadron interactions and decay -> final observable particles (leptons, photons etc.)

  • stable nuclei
  • fireball
  • quark-gluon plasma formation
  • (cooling)
  • hadronization
  • hadron interactions and decay
  • final observable particles (leptons, photons etc.)

with special emphasis on parameters like

  1. time for these stages,

  2. relevant temperatures,

  3. particle densities etc.

Apparently all the literature I have scanned through talks about bits and parts, a comprehensive big picture is unclear to me largely.

Thanks in advance.

Physics of various stages of heavy ion collisions

Is there any reference (book/review article etc.) where the Physics of heavy ion collisions is overviewed?

Being absolutely clear about things, I am looking for a introductory review which covers the Physics aspects of

stable nuclei -> fireball -> quark-gluon plasma formation -> (cooling) -> hadronization -> hadron interactions and decay -> final observable particles (leptons, photons etc.)

with special emphasis on parameters like

  1. time for these stages,

  2. relevant temperatures,

  3. particle densities etc.

Apparently all the literature I have scanned through talks about bits and parts, a comprehensive big picture is unclear to me largely.

Thanks in advance.

Reference on stages of heavy ion collisions in particle physics

Is there any reference (book/review article etc.) where the physics of heavy ion collisions is overviewed?

To be absolutely clear about things, I am looking for a introductory review which covers the physics aspects of the progression through the following stages

  • stable nuclei
  • fireball
  • quark-gluon plasma formation
  • (cooling)
  • hadronization
  • hadron interactions and decay
  • final observable particles (leptons, photons etc.)

with special emphasis on parameters like

  1. time for these stages,

  2. relevant temperatures,

  3. particle densities etc.

Apparently all the literature I have scanned through talks about bits and parts, a comprehensive big picture is unclear to me largely.

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Physics of various stages of heavy ion collisions

Is there any reference (book/review article etc.) where the Physics of heavy ion collisions is overviewed?

Being absolutely clear about things, I am looking for a introductory review which covers the Physics aspects of

stable nuclei -> fireball -> quark-gluon plasma formation -> (cooling) -> hadronization -> hadron interactions and decay -> final observable particles (leptons, photons etc.)

with special emphasis on parameters like

  1. time for these stages,

  2. relevant temperatures,

  3. particle densities etc.

Apparently all the literature I have scanned through talks about bits and parts, a comprehensive big picture is unclear to me largely.

Thanks in advance.