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Now, we do have equipment'sequipment to generate single photon Atat a time, and LASERs are nearly monochromatic. 

While typing the question, am realisingrealizing that successive photons in case of single photon generation may have slightly different wavelengths, but are its single photonphotons essentially monochromatic? B' cozBecause we may be able to use the phenomena to make highly coherent lasers.

Now, we do have equipment's to generate single photon At a time, and LASERs are nearly monochromatic. While typing the question, am realising that successive photons in case of single photon generation may have slightly different wavelengths, but its single photon essentially monochromatic? B' coz we may be able to use the phenomena to make highly coherent lasers.

Now, we do have equipment to generate single photon at a time, and LASERs are nearly monochromatic. 

While typing the question, am realizing that successive photons in case of single photon generation may have slightly different wavelengths, but are its single photons essentially monochromatic? Because we may be able to use the phenomena to make highly coherent lasers.

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Is single photon perfectly monochromatic?

Now, we do have equipment's to generate single photon At a time, and LASERs are nearly monochromatic. While typing the question, am realising that successive photons in case of single photon generation may have slightly different wavelengths, but its single photon essentially monochromatic? B' coz we may be able to use the phenomena to make highly coherent lasers.