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Exposure is the total amount of light allowed to fall on a sensor or film during the taking of a photograph. This is determined by the exposure time (shutter speed) and amount of light admitted (lens aperture). Today, sensor/film sensitivity (ISO speed) is often also considered to be part of exposure.

5 votes

Reference exposure settings for some common situations

Your journey into photography starts with wonder & confusion, but asking for lists of ideal settings will not help you learn… nor will they ever really be truly ideal. Yes, there are some guidelines …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

In-camera light meter & manual lenses

Prompted by my own answer to "Photographs cannot be taken" with manual lens and wireless triggers with off-camera flash & in reference to How do I take the right exposure quickly with Nikon D5300 and old … Is there a good reason that my camera, a D5500, can't use the exposure meter with a manual lens attached? …
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0 votes

Overcast / city exposure

Exposure stack - Bracket/HDR Bracket the exposure; one for the main subject, foreground etc, one for the shadows & one for the sky. … You can actually push an HDR look from a single exposure using appropriate software, though it's not quite as good as bracketing then merging afterwards. …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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12 votes

Why automatic mode is worse than manual?

exposure allowing for the previous two settings. … [I also have a focus/exposure lock button, but I don't often use it, as it disengages every time you let go.] …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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4 votes

How to take pictures of a moving speaker in a dark room with accent lights?

If you can get in there beforehand & do some tests, that will benefit greatly. You need to check for several things... that the camera can even find focus in low light, especially if your subject i …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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1 vote

Accidentally opened back of analogue camera while rewinding film, are all pictures lost?

Anything that wasn't safely back in the film canister may be lost, certainly anything directly in the camera back & not wound onto either spool. You'll find out precisely when you get the roll develop …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What causes this dark halo around the sun?

However, on the exposure, that halo became darker than the surrounding sky rather than lighter. …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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12 votes

What causes this dark halo around the sun?

Separate answer, just to show confirmation of scotbb's diagnosis. CaptureNX-D with Active D-Lighting overridden. Screen shrunk just to show relevant info. As to whether or not it's an optical illu …
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1 vote

I accidentally opened the back of my camera after taking 9 pictures. The count now says zero...

It's probably pulled the entire film inside the canister, leaving you nothing to grab to re-spool it. You have no option [short of dismantling the canister in total darkness to get the the leader back …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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8 votes

Canon 70D often overexposing or underexposing shots

More an addendum to Hueco's answer than a stand-alone... In very high contrast scenes, unless you're going to bracket your shots for HDR, then it's better to err on the dark side. Shadows can be reco …
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23 votes

Why do my photographs taken with a film camera look so saturated?

I'd guess you're under-exposing a long way & the lab is having to work them really hard* to get anything like an image out of them; hence the amount of noise in them & no real blacks anywhere - but I' …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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17 votes

Why are my dSLR-shot landscapes consistently overexposed vs. the same shots on my smartphone?

I'd call that a pretty good exposure guess by the camera. The camera doesn't know what you're taking a photo of, or which parts you might like to emphasise. It captures light, the rest is up to you. …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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9 votes

Either background is overexposed or the foreground is underexposed. Are there possible solut...

With no additional equipment, and if you had the time, waiting until the light faded outdoors would have been your optimum solution - though could get somewhat tedious, if that was lunchtime ;) Exposure
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5 votes

Why are my blacks coming out so noisy on a Pentax K-30 DSLR when using RAW format

I can't answer in regards to the camera itself, as I don't know Pentax at all, but… You're very short on light. f/7.1 1/25s ISO 12800 You can get away with 1/25s exposure time if you're on a tripod. …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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0 votes

Could this photo have been photoshopped?

The dog at the back is greyer than the one at the front - different exposure or different dogs; I don't know. Was it a traditional double-exposure? I very much doubt it. …
Tetsujin's user avatar
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