News: Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Taking some time to reminisce on fond memories is always pleasant to do every now and then. Since the year is winding down, why not take this moment to get a little nostalgic? In this week's Phone Snap Challenge, we'd love to see what makes you nostalgic. Post your image to the corkboard by Monday, December 19th at 11:59 pm PST for a chance to win the JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick for your touchscreen phone or tablet.

To help stir up some inspiration for your submission, here are 20 great nostalgia-inspired shots captured by various Flickr users—cell phone only, of course!

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

    Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

Get Inspired! 20 Nostalgic Photos Taken with Cell Phones

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