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Cort Ammon's user avatar
Cort Ammon
  • Member for 10 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
48 votes

Why doesn't philosophy have higher standards for its arguments?

41 votes

What is this logical fallacy? (Nothing new under the sun?)

39 votes

How do materialists respond to the thought experiment of the perception of blue and red colors being swapped?

33 votes

Is there an alternative to the scientific method?

25 votes

Why do they say I am committing a fallacy when I am just insulting someone?

21 votes

How do animals think if they don't speak a language?

17 votes

Is it a fallacy to say that a sane person cannot apply rational thought to the motivations of the insane?

17 votes

Is it unfair for the rich to pay more total taxes ( not by percentage ) than the poor?

16 votes

Using the Duck-Typing method in scientific context

15 votes

Interpretation of the butterfly effect

14 votes

How is Occam's Razor reconciled with consideration of less likely scenarios?

14 votes

How is Philosophy related to Science?

13 votes

What do humans do uniquely, that computers apparently will not be able to?

12 votes

Is the Münchhausen trilemma really a trilemma?

12 votes

Any argument against determinism?

10 votes

Why don't fair coin tosses add up? Is the gambler's fallacy really valid?

10 votes

How does mathematics work?

10 votes

How can a non-religious person justify or rationalize hope or optimism in an absurd world?

9 votes

What is a straight line?

9 votes

What is the difference between mathematical reasoning and philosophical reasoning?

9 votes

What does Whitehead mean by calling science anti-rational?

8 votes

How can the physical world be an abstract mathematical structure a la Tegmark?

8 votes

Does claiming that strong AI is impossible imply a belief in substance dualism?

8 votes

What is vague about the definition of the scientific method?

7 votes

Is our idea of Artificial Intelligence incorrect?

7 votes

What is the number 2?

7 votes

Can conjoined twins share a mind?

7 votes

Can I predict my future by observing all humans/events

7 votes

Why is the emergence of Monotheism a cultural milestone in the development of mankind?

7 votes

What happens once all questions are asked?

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