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Michael Dorfman's user avatar
Michael Dorfman
  • Member for 13 years
  • Last seen more than 10 years ago
47 votes

How can one differentiate nonexistent entities?

46 votes

What is the difference between free-will and randomness and or non-determinism?

38 votes

In which way does quantum mechanics disprove determinism?

34 votes

Do fundamental concepts in physics have any logical basis?

25 votes

Is absolute ethical veganism an irrational position?

22 votes

Why is Ayn Rand's Objectivism philosophy dismissed by academics?

21 votes

Is Cantor's theorem based on a fallacy?

19 votes

Does thermal time hypothesis finally resolve Zeno's paradox?

18 votes

What is the difference between philosophy and religion?

18 votes

Did Nietzsche read Kierkegaard?

17 votes

What is the difference between Law of Excluded Middle and Law of Non Contradiction?

17 votes

Why would Aristotle argue that "a mechanic or a mercantile life" is "ignoble and inimical to virtue"?

17 votes

Are there any non-divine objective standards of good/evil?

17 votes

Should Wittgenstein be given partial credit for Gödel’s incompleteness theorem?

16 votes

How can we have a 'natural existence' for complex numbers?

16 votes

Do messenger-based religions contradict the idea of an all wise God?

15 votes

Why is Modus Ponens valid?

15 votes

Is everyone considered a "philosopher"?

14 votes

Is it possible to be truly selfless or altruistic?

13 votes

If the universe has a beginning does that prove God exists?

12 votes

Is the concept of “knowledge” important for philosophy?

12 votes

Is "if A then B; B therefore A" a subset of the "post hoc" fallacy?

12 votes

What philosophers have built on Ayn Rand's Objectivism?

11 votes

Is Buddhism a religion or philosophy?

11 votes

Why does Popper think there are no a priori synthetic statements?

11 votes

What is the karma according to buddhism?

11 votes

What are some critical arguments against Objectivism?

11 votes

Does an education that teaches relativism alone result in students who can not make ethical decisions?

11 votes

How does Søren Kierkegaard use the word "dialectic" and how does his use of it differ from G.W.F. Hegel's?

11 votes

Can conscription be morally justified during a time of war?

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