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The study of terms and their use.

1 vote

What does "deep" mean?

Deep in the context of philosophy or more general in the context of ideas means: profound, groundbreaking, far reaching, influential, powerful Some examples of deep ideas, concepts and thoughts in t …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Can I say that extension is a synonym for isomorphism?

Your question deal with several concepts which have to be defined first: An isomophism is a mathematical concept which relates two structured sets, e.g., two groups or two vector spaces. An isomorph …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

Is there such thing as a fully secular writing?

There exist many works from fiction which are secular in the sense of your definition, i.e., free from religion or mythology. Just to name two modern authors: Henry Miller (Quiet days in Clichy) or Ma …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

What's the difference between a philosophical ontology and a computational ontology?

What is a computational ontology? Ontology identifies entities and their relations which are relevant for a certain domain of investigation. A typical example are ontologies in the medical domain. P …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Relation between essentialism and realism

Accepting the statement from your quote, esentialism is a subspecies of realism. Realism acts on the hypothesis: Outside of our thoughts a world of physical objects exists, and we interact with the …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

What is a mental state?

Because your question aims at testing different proposals for the concepts of “mental state”, I would like to attack the problem from the side of an empirical science like neusoscience and from inform …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

Newtons law saved by ad-hoc hypothesis?

It was not an ad-hoc hypothesis. Instead, searching and detecting a further planet - Neptune - was a brilliant confirmation of Newton's theory of gravitation. In the beginning of 20th century most of …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
0 votes

What Precisely Does "Semantics" Mean?

Language and sentences as its component have to different types of rules: syntactical and semantics rules. Syntactical rules are the content of the grammar. Semantics is the study of the meaning of …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Can a collection be a single 'thing'?

The question whether a collection can be a single ‚thing‘ recalls the relation between a whole and its parts: Is the whole more than the sum of its parts? If the answer is yes for a given whole, tha …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Finding a clear difference between truth and fact

Both truth and fact are terms which have to be defined. A definition cannot be read off from anything other nor can it be derived by logical conclusion. A definition is like "baptizing somebody to the …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
4 votes

What is the difference between Philosophy and Theology?

Theology is different from philosophy. No one is a subcase of the other. Theology is the systematic explanation of a certain religion. Hence theology always lives inside the scope predefined by the r …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
0 votes

What do we call one's personal circle of knowledge and who wrote about it?

the personal bubble that encompasses everything that a person knows is named memory. the process by which new knowledge becomes part of someone's world is named learning. Hence in textbook …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
10 votes

Why is the question "Is there free will?", and not, “What is free will?"

The concept of free will started on the subjective level: Most time, all of us feel to be humans with free will. Pressed to give a definition of free will most persons would say: I am sure that I mad …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Definitions of: Fact, Theory, Hypothesis, Evidence and prediction

Fact: I consider it the term on your list which is most difficult to define. Because it is a basic term. As a working definition I propose: A fact is a component of reality. Facts are real s …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
0 votes

Thin conceptions of time

None of the eminent thinkers like e.g., Aristotle, Newton, Leibniz, Kant, Einstein have attributed a normative aspect to time. I think neither do McTaggart' A,B,C series. Notwithstanding all made diff …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k

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