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1 vote

What if early religion was created for closure

.: Religious Belief as Compensatory Control. Personality and Social Psychology Review. 14(1) 37-48, 2010. The references of that paper point to several recent papers about the whole subject. …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

If a given type of event has never been believed when it didn’t really happen, does belief i...

The argument is simple: A belief does not change the facts. For further discussion it would help to present some real example. Otherwise your thoughts hang in the air completely. Added. …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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0 votes

Can someone be both a theist and an atheist?

If a person declares himself to be both, a theist and an atheist, then the person should first clarify his/her concepts. Both terms are contradictory. Hence the answer to the OP's question is "no".
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
-3 votes

Are unexamined belief systems a.k.a. superstitions & dogmas, studied by a specific branch of...

There exist several organisations to investigate results from parascience. One of the German organsations (GWUP = Gesellschaft zur wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Parawissenschaften = Society for …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

About the beliefs of those who believe in no after life

From an epistemic point of view this belief is a hypothesis, which has not been refuted until now. Several arguments exist which support this hypothesis. … Of course the opposite belief, believing in an afterlife, is a hypothesis too. Also that hypothesis has not been refuted. And theists support the hypothesis by a different set of arguments. …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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0 votes

Why is having true beliefs important? (More detail)

Concerning your question about email notification
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
0 votes

Is Cleverness a part of Wisdom?

My short answer: Cleverness is part of wisdom. The latter is clever reflection of one's own experience of life.
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

Any psychological self-test questionnaire to measure philosophical stances?

I have entered your self-description into ChatGPT and obtained a classification according to your four criteria. The classification is nearly echoing your own words, but it adds a summary in three lin …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
1 vote

If an unfalsifiable claim doesn't contradict known fact, is it harmful to hold?

Niels Bohr narrates: "A man lives near our holiday home in Tisvilde and he has placed a horseshoe over the front door of his house, which, according to an old folk belief, is said to bring good luck. …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

Can God make the belief in His own existence justified (if He exists)?

The situation prompts a lot of ad-hoc hypotheses of his believers to support their belief. …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

Do people who "withhold judgement" also have a burden of proof?

This platform StackExchange Philosophy provides many examples of questions with answers of type A,B,C. Whether the position of C, whithholding judgement, is rational, depends on his/her ability to jus …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
2 votes

What are the most rational basic beliefs?

Always try to confirm or to refute your own conjectures. Be aware that also humans - alike all species - have their border of cognitive capabilities.
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
7 votes

Would it be possible to convince a hungry alien species that human lives are valuable?

IMO the only attempt is to argue with Kant's Categorical Imperative: Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. And to point out th …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
0 votes

Is non-physicalism reasonable?

A philosophical position is reasonable if is based on rational arguments. The position takes into account the knowledge of the time and derives its argumentation in a logical way. According to your …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k
4 votes

Can private experiences justify private belief in supernaturalism?

It is important to discriminate between certainty and knowledge. Certainty is a subjective feeling, which can be highly convincing for oneself. Knowledge requires the ability to give supporting argume …
Jo Wehler's user avatar
  • 34.6k