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Immanuel Kant was a German Enlightenment philosopher.

6 votes
2 answers

How are empirical concepts acquired according to Kant?

Kant admits that empirical concepts are "acquired". But how? … Kant has no trouble isolating the a priori, and the rest has to come from the senses. Did Kant indicate somewhere which option he chose and how he dealt with complications? …
Conifold's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

Was Kant right about space and time (and wrong about knowledge)?

According to Kant our empirical experience is synthesized from sensations through categories. … QUESTION: Was Kant right that our minds use space and time to synthesize perceptions, if so is that space Euclidean? …
Conifold's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How did Kant define knowledge?

A recent question about the Plato's formula K=JTB (knowledge is justified true belief) made me curious as to what Kant thought on the matter. … This pragmatism and sharp separation between knowledge and belief ("I had to limit knowledge to make room for faith") make me skeptical that Kant is operating under JTB. …
Conifold's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Did Kant come to believe that we have access to things-in-themselves after all?

Kant's standards for knowledge are quite high (see How did Kant define knowledge?) so he may not have considered glimpses with uncertain credentials to be "knowledge". … As a result, Kant struggled to describe self-consciousness and moral consciousness. …
Conifold's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

The Copernican Principle and the Giant Void [closed]

Daniel Holz writes on a popular science blog Cosmic Variance:"The Copernican principle is a guiding foundation of cosmology. In short, it states that we are not in a privileged place in the Universe. …
Conifold's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there parallelism between mental acts and development of science?

Kant, Husserl and other "transcendental" philosophers write a lot about the first half of the cycle, how to identify "natural attitude" ("a priori"), how to suspend it ("bracket out"), Kant even lists …
Conifold's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can Wittgenstein's critique of private language be turned against (modernized) Kant?

Kant did not offer a working account of new concept formation, Pippin analyzes his attempts in Kant on Empirical Concepts, perhaps this was one reason why he made his a priori so absolute. … Can we reconcile Kant and Wittgenstein? …
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