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Towards a formal definition of conceivable

I asked a similar question a few years ago, but I have never found an answer. In philosophy, people often debate about whether an entity or state of affairs is conceivable. One example is philosophica …
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Philosophy books with mathematical and logical notation [closed]

I am looking for some philosophy books that employ a technical notation, similar to math and logic books. I do not care too much about the subject matter of the books, just books that employ formal lo …
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References on the analysis of tensed statements

Is there a book or text that tries to give an analysis of statements whose truth values are time-dependent. For example, a statement like "It is raining today" changes in truth value over time.
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Is it proper to speak of non-existent objects?

I hear a lot of people say things like "The set of all sets does not exist". But this seems to be improper to say. I think one should really say that "There does not exist a set of all sets". Anyway, …
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Is there an analogue of MathSciNet for philosophy?

MathSciNet is a mathematical database for papers and books on the various branches of math. Is there something analogous for philosophy? That is, is there a philosophical database for papers and books …
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Reference request for the philosophy of meditation

I would like to read some texts on the philosophy of or the philosophy behind meditation. By meditation, I mean the contemplative practice in certain Eastern religions, where one pays close attention …
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Reference requests for the philosophical analysis of sentences

I am looking for texts that analyze the concept of sentences from a philosophical perspective. I know there is a Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on propositions, but that is not exactly wh …
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Can even the laws of logic vary from one possible world to another?

In my previous question, here: Can truths about the natural numbers vary across possible worlds?, I started off by saying that "The truths of logic are the same in all possible worlds". But is that re …
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What are some journals where the papers employ technical logic and math notation?

Recently, I have been interested in philosophy papers that employ technical logic and/or math notation. I know of analytic philosophy, but I am looking specifically for papers that use technical notat …
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Reference request for books on the foundations of science

I have lately been interested in the foundations of science. I checked Wikipedia if there was an article on the foundations of science, but there was no such article. So, I am asking for books and pap …
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Is there a term for the belief that nothing exists?

Monism is the belief that only one thing exists. Is there a term for the belief that nothing exists, and have any serious philosophers given any arguments for that belief?
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What is the difference between philosophical logic and the philosophy of logic?

Is there a difference between philosophical logic and the philosophy of logic? If so, can someone elucidate the distinction between the two? Also, what are some references on the philosophy of logic?
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Are things "caused" by the butterfly effect actually caused by them?

I once read that even a humble medieval peasant merely had to sneeze to cause events hundreds of years in the future: "Not just Napoleon but the humblest medieval peasant had only to sneeze in order …
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How can statements of probability be verified?

Suppose I said, "There is a 50% chance of it raining tomorrow", and someone else said, "No, it is actually 60%". How can we know which person, if either, is correct? What I am really asking for is how …
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Is there no such thing as rigorous and formal in philosophy?

I once asked a question on a rigorous and formal definition of conceivable, and was told that there is no such thing as rigorous and formal in philosophy or science. Is this really true? I thought phi …
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