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Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the essence of things, of the fundamental nature of being and the world and the principles that organize the universe. Metaphysics is supposed to answer the question "What is the nature of reality?"

4 votes

Through the lens of classical metaphysics exclusively, what has been said on the plausabilit...

They mostly hated this idea. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who was a contemporary of Newton, criticized the notion of action at a distance. He argued for a relational theory of space and time, believing …
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3 votes

What is the use in arguing for or against the existence of metaphysical things?

Of course there is a reason. God is the main religious concept, and religion is a social institution of control and power. People defend the concept they were brainwashed with since childhood to keep …
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42 votes

Can God transcend human logic and reasoning?

Short answer: it's just a special pleading. So the answer is no. Long answer: apophatic theology is nothing more than an elaborate exercise in intellectual cowardice. It's a clever trick employed by t …
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