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Theories of truth deal with questions such as: what are truths? what makes them true? what is the relation between truths and the things that makes them true? Not to be confused with "what is the truth", which is a completely different matter.

0 votes

Vacuously truth in linguistics

"All my children are goats" sounds like an absurd truth. If the speaker had no children, then that statement is not false, but it is only 'vacuously true'. …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
1 vote

How can I understand vacuous truth?

Von Neumann's quote comes to mind: "Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them." Here is an argument that I hope may get you used to the idea of a vacuous answer. …
Richard Kirk's user avatar
6 votes

Do the senses themselves (not what they deceptively reveal) exist in some form?

I have worked a lot with colour vision. The best answer I can some up with is may be condensed to... We can measure the physical properties of light. We can measure the optical properties of the eye, …
Richard Kirk's user avatar