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Ontology is the study of the nature of being, existence or reality as such, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations.

-1 votes

What precedents are there for the triple-ism of Roger Penrose?

There is a way to view Heidegger's Being as the single substance of double-aspect theory. In this case the it is not mathematics or information; it is quite indeterminate and impervious to conditioni …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a term for this strong form of actualism?

If you think events could not have happened otherwise, and every choice made by the flip of a coin was nevertheless determined, you are in a world of universal determinism, or predestination. While it …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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1 vote

How would you define ‘existence’?

To elaborate on Kant's view, in the following quote Heidegger develops Thomas Aquinas' ontology through to Kant's. …
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1 vote

Has the instinct of survival a philosophical equivalent?

In Derrida's The Postcard, To Speculate--on "Freud", he refers to the Life Drive. This is the primal instinct that forms in every life form, and is so basic as to be deeply unconscious. Derrida arri …
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1 vote

What is the difference between essential and existential ontology?

Heidegger's existential ontology is concerned with 'the ontological difference', that is the difference between extant being such as that of a table, and existential being as experienced by a living person …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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2 votes

What does existence correspond to outside of human consciousness?

The existence of something is a purely human concept. What does it correspond to outside of human consciousness? The existence 'of something' can be produced, conceived or apprehended by a living, hum …
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0 votes

Is Heidegger's "Being" a class template or a random variable taking realizations?

What you are describing as a class template is essence, and the base class template would be an essence without any predicates: pure nothing. This is, in circuitous fashion, what Heidegger says being …
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The selfless gene

Instinctive altruism is present, apparently in proportion to kin-relation nearness:- In The Selfish Gene, Dawkins states that kin selection makes sense once you understand that, ultimately, evol …
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0 votes

Is Nothing actually imaginable?

If we say the essence or concept of nothing is that it is totally without predicates, then we could say nothing exists as the subject of its concept. In conceptual terms that's quite tangible and ima …
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0 votes

What does it mean for something to exist?

The mode of being of a non-living object is referred to as being extant. To be extant means it has been observed (or deduced) by an existing, sentient observer. The difference between extantness and …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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1 vote

What does mean “realitas objectiva” in scholastic ontology?

Heidegger describes an inversion of meaning of realitas objectiva from Descartes and Scholasticism to Kant and modernism (depending on your subscription), in The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, Chapt …
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0 votes

Why isn't existence a predicate?

I agree with Rex Kerr that "the issue mostly arises from having an insufficiently rich language". However, Kant went to lengths to resolve the issue by distinguishing the 'real' from the actual. For …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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4 votes

What does "everything" mean?

To avoid the infinite regress of things determining things it is necessary that the determining ground be not a thing. So what is a thing? In Kantian phenomenology a thing simply exists in the cogni …
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1 vote

Presentism and simultaneity

The OP writes: So I can talk about now - in this room, ... But for distant places, which will be moving in some way [relative] to where I am here now, the concept of simultaneity fails? …
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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3 votes

Can an eternal universe be created?

The greek word for nature, physis (ϕύσις), was defined by Aristotle as "a kind of being (ούςία). Specifically ... the production of itself, from out of itself, unto itself." So, in this manner of spe …
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