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Philosophy of mind is a branch of philosophy that studies the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental properties, consciousness, and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain.

3 votes

Francis Bacon and mechanical mind

See Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning, Book II : So as it appeareth that poesy serveth and conferreth to magnanimity, morality and to delectation. And therefore, it was ever thought to h …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
4 votes

Albert Camus's quote from 'Resistance, Rebellion, and Death'

Camus is speaking against death penalty. His critic is direct towards the use of language made by authorities and journalists to hide the cruelty of death penalty, with locutions like (see page 176): …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

Descartes and embodiment

See Embodied Cognition : "Cognition is embodied when it is deeply dependent upon features of the physical body of an agent, that is, when aspects of the agent's body beyond the brain play a signi …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

What is the difference between a prediction and an expression of intention according to Ansc...

You are right ... The problem is posed by Anscombe §2 discussing the "intuitively clear" difference between : "I am going to be sick" (that express a prediction) and "I am going to take a walk" ( …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
1 vote

What is a Turing Machine having Probabilistic Automation?

See Probabilistic Turing machine : is a non-deterministic Turing machine which chooses between the available transitions at each point according to some probability distribution. As a consequence, a …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
1 vote

Montaigne's "Of Experience": was he delusional? How does he justify using experience so much?

See Michel de Montaigne: Montaigne rejects the theoretical or speculative way of philosophizing that prevailed under the Scholastics ever since the Middle Ages. He moved from a conception of philosop …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

Russell and Meinong on Presentations and Representaitons

See Franz Brentano's Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt (1874), Preface to the English edition, page xxi: “Vorstellung” is sometimes translated as “presentation,” and sometimes as “idea,” or …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
5 votes

Did Socrates believe all madness to be good?

No. See Plato's Phaedrus: Madness comes in two general forms: the diseased state of mental dysfunction, and a divergence from ordinary rationality that a god sometimes brings (see 265a–b). Divine mad …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
0 votes

Genuine singular term vs. non genuine singular term

See Gottlob Frege's Sense and reference : It is clear from the context that by sign and name I have here understood any designation figuring as a proper name, which thus has as its meaning a defin …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
7 votes

Why can't an algorithm understand incompleteness?

About Gödel's incompleteness theorem, we need first to understand with reasonable precision what it states; see Torkel Franzén, Gödel's theorem An incomplete guide to its use and abuse (2005) : …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

What are "Concepts" according to Hilary Putnam?

See page 17 : But what are concepts ? [...] Concepts are not mental presentations that intrinsically refer to external objects for the very decisive reason that they are not mental presentations a …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

Is color intrinsic to light?

The "correct" interpretation of Newton's ideas and researches on light is a complex issue and Newton's theory for sure evolved during time. But, having said this, here is an extract from : A Letter …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
2 votes

What does Marcus Aurelius mean by 'sympathetic link'?

You can see Stoic Philosophy of Mind: The Greek concept of the soul is much broader and more closely connected to basic bodily functions. The soul is first and foremost the principle of life; it is t …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
7 votes

Euler's 1746 philosophy paper

1st premise : No body can have a force contrary to inertia. Based on [Engl.transl.,page 2] analysis of "current" (still quite incomplete) understanding of matter and bodies and of knowledge of only a …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar
3 votes

Are there many minds or is there only one?

Is this portrayal of Wittgenstein's belief accurate? Not exactly. Wittgenstein so-called Private Language Argument is not so much about "mind" and "self" but about the "social" nature of language. S …
Mauro ALLEGRANZA's user avatar

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