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Theories of truth deal with questions such as: what are truths? what makes them true? what is the relation between truths and the things that makes them true? Not to be confused with "what is the truth", which is a completely different matter.

4 votes

How can there be any necessarily true propositions?

What is a Necessary Truth in a Possible World? There's no universal consensus on this, so you'll get more than one reasonable answer. … Thus, a possible world is part of a truth-conditional construct that can be represented by a model-theoretic object. …
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1 vote

The Truth Paradox

If you are challenged to tell the truth for 24 days and then you honestly tell the truth the first day, but cannot tell the truth for days 2 to 24, then you have failed the challenge and there is no contradiction … Telling the truth for all 24 days is called a necessary condition. No statement contradicts another in this outcome. …
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2 votes

Is to be able to describe something to be able to judge that it's true or not?

One might press the question, is it true or not, then, in which case philosophers have invented the term truth-apt ( A sentence is truth apt if there is some context in which it could … Thus, to argue anymore over whether the sentence is true is merely resolved by accepting that it is true within a domain of discourse, that is, the sentence is truth-apt. …
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1 vote

Is it ethical to research potentially harmful topics?

Is it ethical to investigate questions whose answers may inspire harm? It seems like the best way to examine that might be to look at the extreme, ideas that cause suffering and death. Some insight mi …
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16 votes

Is mathematics truth? As in the sense of that which is manifest or possible in reality?

So, whether or not mathematics is truth depends on your understanding of truth. … So, welcome to the philosophy of mathematics, and if you want to know about how mathematics can and cannot express truth, read up on truth! …
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1 vote

Can a true sentence be a lie?

Can a true statement be a lie? Depends on the definition of a lie, but the intuitive answer is YES. As a definition, let us use: Any communication with the intent to deceive. In this case, an obviou …
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1 vote

What does it mean for a statement if we cannot disprove it?

Let's step back, take off our glasses of objectivity, and ask, what exactly are truth, proof, certainty, and evidence? This is a high-level philosophy question which depends on your worldview. …
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3 votes

Is this a way to solve to Russell's/"liar paradox"?

Therefore, in truth-conditional theories of semantics, lies are not considered, because the pragmatic speech act of lying is 'abstracted away' and the problem left is one of logical values of truth. …
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1 vote

When truth or falsity are attributed to the liar sentence, is it a truth trope or a falsity ...

First, I suppose any logical coherence of the metaphysical claims of truth, truth-aptness, and satisfiability related to tropes requires a statement of what a trope is. … Truth-aptness is an abstraction over particular instances of truth, and allows truths, truth-aptness, and satisfiability to vary from thinker to thinker but allows for enough common ground to allow these …
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1 vote

Truth value for objects that are not included in definitions

What is the nature of truth-conditional semantics? … From WP: Truth-conditional semantics is an approach to semantics of natural language that sees meaning (or at least the meaning of assertions) as being the same as, or reducible to, their truth conditions …
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0 votes

A material-constitution model of truth

Short Answer There is no material-constitution model of truth because the material constitution is an ontological consideration, whereas truth the concern of epistemology. … material for the basis of truth. …
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0 votes

Can semantics work independently apart from philosophy?

The grammar does provide meaning, and is not distinct from it. There are multiple types of semantics. Chomsky's sentence has lexical semantics because you know what each of the words mean. Sentential …
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2 votes

are the usual quantified statements independent of domains of discourse?

The following answer comes out of Brouwer's tradition (SEP). P = it's not the case that there is a x such that U(x). You are asking after the domain of discourse, including what is it and what is th …
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0 votes

The deception clause in lying

Words are tricky things, so let's analyze after using a defintion: A lie is a communication with the intent to deceive. We can now ask if your words qualify. What if I am asked a question, and respon …
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1 vote

Are there any stoic suggestions around dealing with unneeded hard truths and happy unknowing...

I too will reach to the Far East. I read in writings about Daoism a motto: "Harmony, not conformity". There's a real difference between lying and maintaining privacy for the sake of comity. It's very …
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