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Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the essence of things, of the fundamental nature of being and the world and the principles that organize the universe. Metaphysics is supposed to answer the question "What is the nature of reality?"

2 votes

Does the first Godel's incompleteness theorem forbids the existence of a Theory of Everything?

Godel's theorem applies to systems of formal logic. A Theory Of Everything (TOE) is a specific term used to describe the union of quantum mechanics (QM) and general relativity )GR). Note that this uni …
niels nielsen's user avatar
2 votes

Does the metaphysics of space and time mostly focus on the implication of general and specia...

If it has no mathematical description, it's metaphysics, not physics. …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Is there a reason to believe that our universe obeys internally consistent rules?

I would take kutschkem's answer one step further and assert that if our universe were internally inconsistent on large physical scales then we wouldn't be here to ponder that fact- because such a univ …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Since natural units can be discarded, does that mean that natural units are not required?

"Natural units" are sometimes used in writing down physics equations because depending on the content of the equation, doing this can make the solution of the equation more straightforward and at time …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Is logic "universe-dependent"?

If we take the example of arithmetic logic: Imagine a universe in which reasoning about numbers was impossible because arithmetic was invalid i.e., objects could not be counted, measurements could not …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

What's the purpose of a second dimension when we say that time is two-dimensional?

More information is needed here to determine what it is you wish. To begin with, who asserts that time is two-dimensional? To a physicist, two-dimensional time represents a mathematical formalism that …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Could the earth simply blink out of existence from no cause?

For the earth's atoms to simultaneously all wink out of existence at the same instant would break the laws of baryon conservation, energy conservation, angular momentum conservation, and linear moment …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Locality and rigid bodies?

It's only metaphysics, after all. …
niels nielsen's user avatar
0 votes

Through the lens of classical metaphysics exclusively, what has been said on the plausabilit...

Let's take a couple of those classical metaphysical lenses and fit them into a tube. Now we have a classical metaphysical telescope, with which we will look for truth throughout the classical metaphys …
niels nielsen's user avatar
0 votes

What are fundamental elements to existence aside time and space?

Spacetime furnishes the stage upon which the play of life is performed. The sets and players consist of matter and energy. Physical laws furnish the script.
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Is this proof that the universe came from nothing valid?

The origin of the universe was a physical process, not a philosophical one. For you to have any hope at all of understanding it, your reasoning must include consideration of all the applicable physica …
niels nielsen's user avatar
0 votes

What do you call the idea that each universes have wholly different natural laws?

Physicists call this the multiverse hypothesis. Implicit in it is the idea that each separate universe may exhibit different values for the fundamental constants of nature, at least in the sense that …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

Why is time travel not possible at all?

You are posing two different questions here. Time travel is considered impossible because it leads directly to a universe where effects precede causes, and things like energy would no longer be conser …
niels nielsen's user avatar
0 votes

What are the alleged reasons for emergence?

I'm not sure this will answer all your questions, but it might help. Let's look at water as an example. As a molecule, it does not possess viscosity because that is a collective property of very large …
niels nielsen's user avatar
1 vote

The non-spacetime existence of processes

In physics, "spacetime dimensions" are the familiar three spatial dimensions plus one of time (commonly written as (t,x,y,z) that provide the stage upon which all actions in the physical world that we …
niels nielsen's user avatar

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