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Use this tag for general questions about logic that are not categorizable under some more specific tag, like "mathematical logic", "informal logic", "classical logic", etc.

4 votes

Is an all-knowing being still able to think?

I think this is a fair question. An all-knowing being cannot think in order to discover, since there is nothing it can discover because it knows everything already. Or more precisely it knows everythi …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
  • 35.8k
1 vote

Illustration of Necessary & Sufficient Conditions

Suppose someone counts as an 'manager' if s/he runs a team of +30 people. Then running a team of +30 people is a sufficient condition for counting as a manager. Suppose also that someone without a t …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Are there degrees of truth ?

I do not assume bivalence - that every proposition or declarative statement - is either true or false but not both. I do not raise the issue of 3-valued logics or offer or invite any theory of truth. …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Knowledge argument related to fictional story

What you could do is to explore the full experience for your character of experiencing pain for the first time. There would be the novelty of experiencing pain but also puzzlement about what had happe …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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3 votes

Inference vs. Reasoning

It does not violate fixed usage in ordinary language or logic. So he can say : inference is all reasoning from premises to conclusion. … Gilbert Harman, 'Logic and Reasoning', Synthese Vol. 60, No. 1, Foundations: Logic, Language, and Mathematics, Part I (Jul., 1984), pp. 107-127. …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

Question on the subject-proper of logic

LOGIC AND PSYCHOLOGY Logic is not concerned with the laws of thought. Psychology was excluded from logic long ago. Logic is concerned with relations between sentences or propositions. … I omit it because you seem to have already made up your mind - you have recorded a belief - about the relationship between symbolic logic and mathematics and others can in any case throw more light on …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote

Reasons and causes : what are the main works that discuss the distinction (if any) between t...

▻ INTELLECTUAL SETTING This is a question and a debate that goes back to the 1950s. A.I. Melden and R.S. Peters were key figures. Most philosophers now would accept, following Donald Davidson, that r …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Hypothetical syllogism

Here's another, just to show a variation |: If P is true, Q is true If R is true, P is true therefore, If R is true, Q is true The traditional 'Scholastic' logic of the Middle Ages drew distinctions …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

List of Logic Symbols

If so then the best plan is probably to read a logic text in which the symbols are contextually explained. … Perhaps Peter Smith's 'An Introduction to Formal Logic' would be useful but there are any number of reliable and accessible introductions to logic in an academic library or orderable online. …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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1 vote

ELI5 - Abduction vs. Inference to Best Explanation (IBE)

The William H. B. Mcauliffe article you cite offers an account of the difference that is true to Peirce. But 'abduction' has loosened itself from Peirce's use of the term. I doubt if a single, consist …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
  • 35.8k
20 votes

Are we sinners because we sin or do we sin because we are sinners?

'Because' is, I'd suggest, ambiguous in your example. There is the 'because' of causation or the 'because' of 'by reason of'. The example uses both senses. 'Are we sinners because we sin?' can be re …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
  • 35.8k
0 votes

What is the difference between inference and deduction?

Deduction and non-psychological logical relationships I take the brief answer to be that deduction holds between propositions or statements : If p then q p q This relationship of deductive vali …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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0 votes

Does anyone have an example where a sufficient condition comes first?

I take the terms, necessary and sufficient condition, in their standard senses: X is a necessary condition of Y ⇒ If X does not occur, then Y cannot occur. X is a sufficient condition of Y ⇒ If X o …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
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2 votes

When someone responds to an argument by changing the subject, what fallacy are they using?

As usual Aristotle has been here before : de Sophisticis Elenchis, vi. 168a-17. The customary term is ignoratio elenchi. It's a fallacy of irrelevancy, and means literally 'ignorance of confutation'. …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
  • 35.8k
4 votes

Suppose you have an argument with false premises and a false conclusion. Given this informat...

Logic deals with forms of reasoning or logical form. …
Geoffrey Thomas's user avatar
  • 35.8k

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