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Prove that the following is a logical truth (tautology) using a natural deduction derivation: (B → C) ˅ (¬B → C) [closed]

Prove that the following is a logical truth (tautology) using a natural deduction derivation: (B → C) ˅ (¬B → C) How do I prove this using statement logic? I know I need to start with a supposition ...
Muskaan Mehta's user avatar
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Why does Gensler's Star Test not work on some syllogisms? [duplicate]

All teachers are intelligent. All teachers are well-paid. From the Star Test, we can deduce that the argument must be invalid with whatever conclusion (according to the classical syllogism figures), ...
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Is there a semantically complete system of direct-method natural deduction/sequent calculus?

Does anybody know of a system of direct-method natural deduction/sequent calculus, in other words, a system that does not require (or even incorporate) conditional (and indirect) proof method(s) and ...
Stegfucius's user avatar
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How to solve this natural deduction problem?

This one is driving me crazy. I don't understand most keys for de morgan, modus ponens, etc, so please abbreviate if possible? EX: DM, MP, SIMP, HS, Conj, Imp (material Implication). Thank you anybody ...
Mick's user avatar
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How to get proof using proof editor and checker

How can I use Natural deduction proof editor and checker or The Logic Daemon to derive the given conclusion from the given premise: (∃x) ( Fx ∙ (y) (Fy → y = x) ) / (∃x) (y) (Fy ≡ y = x) It tells me ...
wa7d's user avatar
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Deriving "(p.q) v (p.r) from "p.(q v r)"?

I am new to logic. and here are my tryouts for deriving deriving "(p.q) v (p.r) from "p.(q v r)", and further I want to show that ”p.(q V r)” is equivalent to ”(p.q) V (p.r)”, by using natural ...
agBerg's user avatar
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In fitch, S → (R ∨ P), P → (¬R → Q) ∴ S → (Q ∨ R)

Construct a proof for the argument: S → (R ∨ P), P → (¬R → Q) ∴ S → (Q ∨ R) I have gotten to the point in the illustration, but I am unable to figure out where to go from here. I get tricked up on ...
user29979's user avatar
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Predicate logic proofs - how to split a disjunction bound by two quantifiers

I need to complete the following proof using only primitive rules (the introduction and elimination rules for each connective and quantifier). (∃x)(∀y)(Py ∨ Qx) ⊢ (∀y)Py ∨ (∃x)Qx I've only been able ...
connoraw's user avatar
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Logic question regarding a logical truth

Is the following logically true? ∃x[Cube(x) →∀yCube(y)] I think that it is logically true. When translated into truth functional form we have: A→B. A truth table shows that it is not a tautology but ...
P.Solo's user avatar
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What are the rules for a zero-premise derivation involving disjunctions?

I'm having trouble with the following zero-premise deduction that involves two disjunctions: The solution seems simple, but I'm unsure of how to proceed with the two disjunctions. If it were just ...
Gerald Brogan's user avatar
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Proof for the Rule of Absorption in Natural Deduction?

I know there is a "formal proof" in "natural deduction" for the "rule of absorption" that employs the "law of excluded middle". It is presented in Wikipedia (...
Stegfucius's user avatar
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Implication Introduction formulated as a theorem?

While making a list of the rules of inference for my math students, I came across this list on Wikipedia: I noticed a pattern: for every introduction rule, there seems to be an elimination rule, and ...
EthanAlvaree's user avatar
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How to prove 1. ~(KvF) 2. ~F=>(KvC) 3. (GVC)=>~H / ~(KvH) using natural deduction

I need help with this question using the first 13 rules of inference. Here is what I have so far: ~(KvF) ~F=>(KvC) (GVC)=>~H / ~(KvH) ~Kv~F DM 1 ~Fv~K Com 5
Nazmul Bhuiyan's user avatar
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Anyone can help me with proving ~(AvB) |- ~(BvA) via natural deduction?

~(AvB) ㅡㅡㅡㅡ ~(BvA) I have to provide a derivation to establish validation of this argument. First of all, can I first change ~(AvB) into ~A&~B by using the De Morgan rules? And the second is:...
dkim's user avatar
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help with deductive proof

∀x (Fx ∨ x=c), ¬Fb ∧ Gb |- ¬Fa → Ga So far I don't understand how to switch variables around to prove the result. I've got a subproof set up assuming "¬Fa" in order to derive "Ga". In that proof I ...
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