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What does it mean to say "possible in reality?" [closed]

Consider the following truth table. I am hungry My eyes are closed 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 Each row is possible. But that seems to me like an incomplete statement. Instead, I think it makes more sense ...
lee pappas's user avatar
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Is reality a "societal construct"? [closed]

What does it mean to say reality actually exists? Is it a product of society? If time - the fourth dimension is a societal construct, then shouldn't reality also be one?
Anirudh Vijai Rao's user avatar
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An object exist means what? And what is the relation of it with space and time?

If something exist mentally & physically, in both forms it is understandable that we have a Idea of it in mind as well as in reality or physically but , what about things which exists in the form ...
Ankita Nayak's user avatar
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Do "things" that are present depend on Dasein?

Do "things" that are present depend on Dasein? I have read Being and Time, but a very long time ago. I am not sure if I mean present at hand, but I do mean in general anything that exists in ...
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Is time fundamental like space or only a tool for measurement? [closed]

Time is to distance or acceleration what progression is to space. Time “exists” like distance as a measurement but is not ‘real’ like me, you or the earth that we stand. Time is a measurement of ...
Ugo Nwune's user avatar
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McTaggart's Unreality of Time

This is going to sound silly but I was wondering why McTaggart's approach is needed to prove time to be real/unreal. Here's what I was thinking: The existence of time is a necessary condition for ...
shine yang's user avatar
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If the passage of time is an illusion, does that mean I also experience time not passing?

There are a few questions on this site about time passing and illusion. And it seems that our psychological experience of the flow of time might be best accounted for as illusions are https://www....
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0 votes
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Logical proof of the existence of other dimensions

I'm new to the forum, I'm not a philosophy student, I'm an engineer of sorts. I was struck the other day by a thought after reading several unrelated posts here. Given that : 1) Infinity exists for ...
Richard's user avatar
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8 answers

What proof do we have that time is moving forward?

We mark the progress of time by a thin line between past memories and no memories (the future). If time is actually flowing backwards or even standing still we would not know it. If memories are ...
Zane Scheepers's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can anyone explain what do they mean by, 'The past is just a story we tell ourselves'? [closed]

Even if we keep repeating our past to ourselves, still it is not just a story, I think so. It is something that happened to us, the experience is not a story.
Anil Padule's user avatar
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Is taking a drug that makes us mentally go back in time and simulate our life in sleep the same as doing it "physically"? [closed]

Imagine if you had done something really bad in the past which had caused you suffering in the present. You really want to go back in time and change it. Unfortunately, at the moment, it's impossible ...
Seymour House's user avatar
18 votes
12 answers

Is time a physical factor or just a concept?

When thinking of cycles and myths, one cannot pass the idea of Kronos or Kali. That brought me to form some questions about the nature of time. Three definitions for time: Time is a measure of the ...
MarkokraM's user avatar
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5 answers

Can we be Boltzmann brains? Or, how can we be sure there is no conspiracy about the past?

The way things are traditionally presented about time, there is the present, the past is fixed, and the future is open. The second law of thermodynamics is invoked. But how can we be so sure the past ...
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