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Importance of technology in Western thought

Ours is a world which is full of promises that advanced technology, such as autonomous cars, cloud computing, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence will somehow bring forth a future worth ...
Shoaib's user avatar
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Does Heidegger ever develop his distinction between modern and traditional technology in detail?

Mark Blitz's article Understanding Heidegger on Technology (The New Atlantis, 2014) describes Heidegger's distinction between modern and traditional technology in the following way: Everything ...
w128's user avatar
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Any recommendations on commentaries / rebuttals of Heidegger's Question Concerning Technology?

I'm looking for recommendations of commentaries, rebuttals or relevant papers on a Heideggerian approach to examining the essence of technology (famously in 'The Question Concerning Technology' but ...
Sid Razavi's user avatar
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Can Humans Maintain a Free Relationship With Technology?

Heidegger argues in the “The Question Concerning Technology” that the essence of technology is a mode of disclosure or revealing, aletheia. However, modern technology has a special character which ...
Paradox Lost's user avatar
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What exactly is "Gestell" in Heidegger?

I've been reading up on Heidegger's Concept of Technology but for the life of me I can't quite grasp the idea of Gestell, would anyone care to explain in simple terms what he means by Gestell (...
Edward's user avatar
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What happens when stuff breaks

I remember when Heidegger in Being and Time talks about broken technology. Can anyone Generally explain the passages which mention this "un-readiness-to-hand" Explain what role they have in Being ...
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Useful discussion of Heidegger's "Ready-to-hand" and "present-at-hand" concepts?

Heidegger, as a tangent in his discussion of Daesin, talks about objects/tools which can be either ready-to-hand or present-at-hand. As I find Heidegger painfully unreadable, but his concepts useful, ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar