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"i think therefore i am", revist, does criticisms really hold?

In Wikipedia the critiques don't make much sense to me,_ergo_sum#Critique For example, it is said that "Saul Fisher 'points out that recognition that one has ...
Parsa Fakhar's user avatar
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Is thinking an activity of a subject?

I am interested in the question of whether thinking must be an activity of a subject. Is it true that thinking has no reality without being a mode of the subject? Could it be possible that there is ...
Apple Silicon's user avatar
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Has Descartes interpreted the rational mind as res cogitans?

I've read several description of the Descartes' dualism but I'm still not really sure: Does Descartes comprehend the human rational mind, human psychology - the part of thinking that is not ...
Probably's user avatar
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Looking at Descartes, does the temporality of consciousness justify doubt in it?

Let's look again at Descartes' cogito argument: “let him [the deceiving demon] deceive me as much as he can, he will never bring it about that I am nothing so long as I think that I am something. ...
viuser's user avatar
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Is the cogito analytic a priori?

Descarte said 'I think therefore I am', or in the orginal Latin, cogito ergo sum. Is this analytic a priori? The evidence for it being analytic, is that the first statement 'I think' includes a ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar