For example:

objectifications of self-consciousness
objectifications of Will

What does objetification means?

Specially "objectification of Will" according to Schopenhauer.

The Will becomes an object? How does that make sense?

  • 1
    Means nothing really. Everything is already an object. I guess a generous interpretation would be, to objectify the will is to think of the will in a way more similar to other objects, instead of elevating it to some special exceptional status.
    – causative
    Commented Mar 31, 2022 at 22:01
  • 1
    See Objectification: "In Marxism, the objectification of social relationships is discussed as "reification"." Commented Apr 1, 2022 at 8:53
  • 1
    And see Schopenhauer's The Objectification of the Will. Commented Apr 1, 2022 at 8:53

1 Answer 1


Schopenhauer said: He who knows everything and is not known by anything is the subject. (Introduction to the World as a Representation II)

In my understanding, The object is relative to the subject, in simple terms, who is the recognized object is the object, and vice versa is the subject.

So, we can say that when we want to know consciousness, consciousness is the object, and when we want to know will, will is the object.

But these two propositions are contradictory, because when I want to understand consciousness, this "I" is also a consciousness, which is equivalent to saying that I have become my own object.

This is not the most difficult to understand, but even more difficult is that if we want to understand will, then will becomes the object, but where does the will we want to know will come from?

So, as the primary driving force behind all events, will can never be recognized.

So, starting from this, it can be inferred that will can only be the subject, and everything in the world is the object of will, everything is the manifestation of will.

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