An example of such a space is a Euclidean affine space. Consider the statement "point O is the origin of the system". How could we clearly specify and convey what point O is supposed to be, given that this space is "homogeneous" or "isotropic", i.e., everything "looks" the same? The structure a point "sees" in the space it "lives" in is the same for every point, so there is no distinguishing point. This is different from, for example, the natural numbers, where 0 is axiomatically distinct from the other numbers, and the other numbers in turn are distinct from other numbers in how they relate to 0.

One possible way to reason about this is that "O" is simply a label for an element of the space, much like "1" is a label for the successor of 0, whose label, "0", represents the first element. But in the case of natural numbers, we're attaching labels to elements which possess specific properties that can be expressed unequivocally in terms of the definitions and axioms of the natural numbers. We can't do this for an affine space.

Another way to look at it could be that we're not specifiying any particular point. The statement "point O is the origin the system" should then be understood as a tacit agreement between the participants of a hypothetical conversation: "pick whatever point you like and call it O". Since all relations in geometry are relations between at least two elements of the space, not "absolute" relations, and this space is homogeneous, whatever reasoning that follows "pick whatever point you like and call it O" would unwind in the same manner for any chosen point. This has the benefit of making applications to physics sound, by mapping the chosen point, which could be any point, to a particular point in reality, such as "point O is an abstract representation of the corner of this platform, to which the robot is attached, closest to the red door". But this still hasn't addressed the issue that I can't, in a clear sense, pick a point, once again unlike "picking" the number 3, or 228, or 784248, since to pick a point, I should have someway of distinguishing it from others.

How is this issue addressed?

  • If you consider zero to be a distinguished natural number, then also the origin is a distinguished point of a vector space. In both cases it is the neutral element of addition. - If you exclude (e.g. by homogenity and isotropy) any differences between the points, then there is no distinguished point - by definition. - I do not see what the point of your question is.
    – Jo Wehler
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:03
  • @JoWehler I didn't ask about a vector space, I asked about structures such as affine spaces. I didn't use the word "origin" to mean "the zero element of a space with respect to some operation on that space", but as an arbitrary reference point someone chooses when operating with that space.
    – jvf
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:04
  • @JoWehler "If you exclude (e.g. by homogenity and isotropy) any differences between the points, then there is no distinguished point - by definition." - Yes, so how do I specify any particular point? That's the intention of my question.
    – jvf
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:07
  • You choose a system of coordinates to discriminate and identify points.
    – Jo Wehler
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:20
  • 1
    You may choose an arbitrary type of coordinate system and you may calibrate the coordinate system by any constellation of points. Hence I do not consider this method to be circular.
    – Jo Wehler
    Commented Jun 26 at 20:33

1 Answer 1


Formally, there is no confusion between the assumptions of an argument and the actual result of the argument itself. In the language of type theory, you would write

X : AffineSpace, O : X ⊢ ℐ(O)

where ℐ is a judgement parametrised on an arbitrary point O of an arbitrary affine space X, to translate something like "let O be a point; then, ℐ(O)...". By contrast, the judgement

X : AffineSpace ⊢ O : X

or equivalently

⊢ f : (X : AffineSpace) → X

means that you can construct an explicit point of any arbitrary affine space. In univalent foundations, it should be possible to prove that this type is empty by transporting f(ℝ) along the identification ℝ = ℝ (as affine spaces) induced by a translation (+1) to get f(ℝ) = f(ℝ) + 1, a contradiction: this means that you cannot construct such an f.¹

On the other hand, you can prove that every affine space is merely inhabited (in the sense of the HoTT book), that is

X : AffineSpace ⊢ O : ∥ X ∥

Intuitively, this means that there is at least one point in every affine space X, but any choice is as good as any other.

Finally, if you fix an affine space X (say X = ℝ) then it might be possible to exhibit a point of that particular X (say 0):

⊢ ℝ : AffineSpace

⊢ 0 : ℝ

or equivalently

⊢ (ℝ, 0) : (X : AffineSpace) × X

Note that now both the space and the point are results/outputs instead of being assumptions/inputs.

¹ In ZFC set theory, you can probably abuse the axiom of choice to choose a point in every affine space, but this is not very satisfying.

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