In many movies, you have seen an AI robot moving here and there, doing this and that with an intention. Is it possible that a generative AI-like language model (e.g., ChatGPT) could ever do that?

Suppose we look under the hood and examine the maths and algorithms. Then there is no reason to ask this question, but what if a trained model converges, and the convergence carries some intention without the developers being aware of this?

I think it's possible, given my limited insight.

So what can we do about it?

How can we find it or overcome this?

I don't know whether people are researching these areas or not. It will be very helpful if you know any book or research paper that addresses this type of problem.

Thank you.

  • 6
    I used to quote Dijkstra to my CS students: To ask whether a computer can think is as reasonable as to ask whether a submarine can swim. Even in Dijkstra's time planes did fly and today with AGIs on the horizon I am chary about my older judgements. See Yudkowski
    – Rushi
    Commented Jun 7 at 7:30
  • 10
    AI generally, and LLM in particular, may well do what their creators did not intend (such as ChatGPT's 'hallucinations'), but how is that supposed to produce "intention"? Sci-fi robots have 'intentions' because sci-fi authors simply say that they do, they do not say what that is. The first question is not if it is possible, but what it even means other than anthropomorphic projection. If projecting our purposeful behavior is enough then sure, even wind-up toys and hurricanes have intentions. Otherwise, 'intentions' may be no more intentions than ChatGPT's 'hallucinations' are hallucinations.
    – Conifold
    Commented Jun 7 at 8:48
  • 7
    Anyone who says that machines have intentions is either (1) taking a mystical position that posits some sort of ghost arising magically in the machine or (2) redefining "intention" under the covers to include what machines do (which robs the word of its significance). Commented Jun 7 at 11:25
  • 11
    LLMs do not understand what they say - it is just the statistics of natural language. How can you have intention (mean what you say) if you don't understand what you say? The give away is in the name - Large Language Model - it is just a statistical model of a language. Commented Jun 7 at 14:13
  • 4
    @DavidGudeman It would be worth distinguishing the questions of whether this particular machine has intention (it does not), whether any current machine has intention (depends on exactly how you're defining "intention", as you say), and whether any machine could in theory have intention in the same sense and to the same degree that humans do (unless we assume that humans operate on some sort of dualism, probably, but we're definitely not there yet).
    – Ray
    Commented Jun 7 at 15:35

13 Answers 13


No, an LLM itself is a statistical model stored as a artificial neural network about linguistics in a training set. It has no activity, nor intentions. It has no perception of the world or time, no memory, no planning capacity. The philosophic prerequisites for having any intention are not there. When queried, it has activity (activation), but this does not change the model, and so every time it is queried, it's like the first time.

The difference between the LLM shape of data and a huge spreadsheet is that in the form of the neural network, you can not ask given the words "How are" how likely is the word "you" (which might 83%), but instead you can only ask provide the most likely word after "How are", which would probably be "you". This representation allows LLMs to produce seemingly natural text better than if learned data was merely statistically evaluated, so for unusual beginnings it will find natural sounding solutions better than just the statistics of the training data.

Still you can prompt any chatbot to produce text that has intention, like:

"Please initiate a conversation with me where you ask about the weather, but continue the discussion with the intention of making me ask you out for dinner"

Here is an example transcript, for demonstration:

Chatbot: Hey! How's the weather treating you today? Is it finally a chance to ditch the jacket or are you still battling the wind?

Me: The weather is fair, thank you

Chatbot: That's great to hear! Fair weather always puts me in a good mood. It makes me want to grab a bite outside, maybe on a patio somewhere. Do you have any favorite outdoor cafes or restaurants nearby?

Then the LLM will produce text that has mimics intention. So LLMs can produce text that mimics intentionality. That means LLM can also be trained to only produce such texts. And thus they can also accidentally be trained to produce such texts even though not desired by the trainers. But still that would not be actual intention, just producing text that looks like there was intention.

Given how LLMs are being trained with huge amounts of sources of text with high diversity, this kind of bias of an LLM would be unlikely though, and the least of current problems with LLMs, given providers struggle with all kinds of biases (racism, sexism, superstition, political favoritism), unsafe content (sexual, bomb-making, poisoning), hallucinations and fake answers, ....

Given how much public LLMs are being tested before releasing them to the public, intentions would be fairly easily detected I would think.

  • 9
    Chatbots are not LLMs. Chatbots have state. LLMs still are just statistical models. Neither of your links says differently. Use Wikipedia or some other reliable source to learn about AI.
    – tkruse
    Commented Jun 7 at 10:38
  • 8
    " It is more accurate to admit that it is a philosophical mind who has the intention to help users with their queries." it is perceived as a philosophical mind (which we are prone to do), but that does not mean it isn't just a statistical model. E.g. ChatGPT does though raise interesting questions about what "understanding" actually is. Commented Jun 7 at 14:17
  • 2
    I don't think LLMs have intention or consciousness, but I think saying "it's just a spreadsheet" doesn't really address the question. What's interesting to me about the success of these models is how many people are convinced they are real. I think that says more about people than LLMs, in a way. I think people's thoughts (and intentions) may be more instinctual that we care to admit. Just as a baby deer or horse can walk within hours of its birth, without any help, the LLM phenomenon may be highlighting just how much our own thinking is statistical and not much different from a spreadsheet.
    – JimmyJames
    Commented Jun 7 at 21:14
  • 5
    Eliza chatbot in the 1960s caused similar reactions from laymen.
    – tkruse
    Commented Jun 8 at 8:26
  • 1
    "It has no perception of the world or time" -- it perceives the text you send it, which is a part of the world. "It has no memory" -- it has a memory of all the text it was trained on; admittedly fuzzy, but then we can say the same of human memory. It also has a memory of some of the previous text in the conversation. "It has no planning capacity" -- how do you know this? "In the form of the neural network, you can not ask given the words 'How are' how likely is the word 'you'" -- yes, you can; in fact, that is practically the only kind of question you can ask. Commented Jun 9 at 19:59

Not by a standard definition of intention. From WP:

An intention is a mental state in which a person commits themselves to a course of action. Having the plan to visit the zoo tomorrow is an example of an intention. The action plan is the content of the intention while the commitment is the attitude towards this content. Other mental states can have action plans as their content, as when one admires a plan, but differ from intentions since they do not involve a practical commitment to realizing this plan.

LLMs, which are natural language processing systems built with machine learning strategies do not plan courses of action, nor do they commit to such plans. Intention requires planning and decision-making skills at a high-level that is consistent with philosophical agency. Again, from WP:

Agency is contrasted to objects reacting to natural forces involving only unthinking deterministic processes. In this respect, agency is subtly distinct from the concept of free will, the philosophical doctrine that our choices are not the product of causal chains, but are significantly free or undetermined.

LLMs involve only deterministic "forces", in this case, their software architecture which is crafted using largely deterministic methods, and possess no literal agency, though metaphorically it is tempting to anthropomorphize them given they construct grammatically meaningful strings of tokens.

  • My understanding is that the encoder in a transformer produces a complete intermediate output before the decoder starts to iteratively generate output text to the user. Couldn't that intermediate output be interpreted as a plan, especially with multiple layer of transformers? Commented Jun 7 at 22:45
  • @TheGuywithTheHat Yeah, how do we define the intension of plan. WP offers: "A plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with details of timing and resources, used to achieve an objective to do something. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal. " See the circularity? Intention requires a plan, and a plan is a set of intentions! But I think we can look at "expectations" in the def'n to escape the circularity. Does the transformer model somehow engender epistemic expectation? I suspect that would involve having to show...
    – J D
    Commented Jun 7 at 23:14
  • 1
    the model in some sense uses epistemic modality in its execution. Does it employ some sort of possible world semantics or modal logic? The latter seems a distinct possibility. What is the threshold for the implementation of a modal logic becoming epistemic expectation? Here's where the notion of agency and freewill would likely help to demarcate a gradation of expectation from a simple computational logic of software functions to the sophisticated reasoning and expectations of human thought. I'll presume there's been not much in the way of philosophical research in that domain.
    – J D
    Commented Jun 7 at 23:18
  • LLMs can't currently do anything, there are literally no actions available to them, except deception. We should be careful that we might get the only thing we could get from that situation.
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 8 at 20:45
  • @ScottRowe That's not entirely correct. There is some value to them, but the value requires using them as an input to a formalistic process to automate out their mistakes. Some of my colleagues when they develop software use a feedback loop between the LLM and the compiler's error messages to autopropose potential functional syntax. It requires a certain finesse of the seasoned engineer who knows exactly WHAT to ask, but they are definitely a productivity engine that is currently being underutilized.
    – J D
    Commented Jun 8 at 21:36

In many movies, you have seen an AI robot moving here and there, doing this and that with an intention. Can a generative AI-like language model (e.g., ChatGPT) can ever do that?

This question is difficult to answer:

  • We don't have any well-established, more or less generally accepted scientific theory of mind or consciousness or intentionality. We don't even have much or any agreement about how to start setting up such a theory.

  • If we take that seriously, then we have to admit that none of us really knows what it means to act "with intention", what it is "to be conscious" or "have experiences", or have "cognitive states". We can give all kinds of descriptions, and mention all kinds of aspects - but we don't have a unified theory that explains what consciousness is or how to detect it.

  • As long as we don't have that, I don't see how any answer (positive or negative) can be convincing.

  • However, if you are not from the outset a mind-body dualist, if you don't consider consciousness or "personal agency" as something totally sui generis that is just there, but cannot be further comprehended, if you accept that somehow minds exist embodied in biological organisms, and accept that everything relevant in a body just consists of processes and patterns of signaling between and inside cells, then why couldn't a similar process exist in some other physical medium as long as the system is sufficiently complex?

  • More specifically about "acting with intentionality". I believe we tend to forget that we explain intentional acts in a social context. We ascribe intentions, goals, etc to others (and ourselves) in order to (for instance) explain or predict other's actions or in order (for ourselves) to plan things. (The previous sentence is itself an example of this kind of communication.) In some "experiential" sense, we may "have intentions". Intentional explanation may make sense, somehow, and be useful. However, this does not imply that we know (very much of) how that actually works, or even of what we mean by those ways of speaking. Intentional explanations are perhaps not much more than rough, high-level, though sometimes perhaps useful applications of simple folk-psychology theories of human behavior. (This is my crude paraphrase of Daniel Dennett's views.)


  • If the question is very specifically about the current family of LLMs like ChatGPT (Can those ever develop into system to which we could meaningfully ascribe consciousness or intentionality?), then I believe the answer is no. I believe that given the current architecture of those systems and the way those systems are deployed, this is impossible. One problem that, I believe, can never be solved given that architecture is the problem of hallucinations (when an LLM "confidently" spouts blatant falsehoods). An LLM has no notion of truth or falsehood, and given the whole setup (including the way it is trained - which is essentially the only time the system directly interacts with "the world"), there is no way for it to learn how to distinguish fact from fiction. I believe that having this kind of ability is necessary for it to be seen as "acting with intentionality". It may be able to tell you Tarski's definition of truth, but it cannot lie. A dialogue system that (in principle) cannot lie can never be meaningfully seen as conscious or as acting with intentionality. (This may not be necessary for other systems, like AlphaGo. Those have other built-in basic values. "It wants to win" can still be seen as just a metaphor. But "It played that move in order to defend the corner" can hardly be seen as merely a metaphor. Here again, what makes these issues so hard to think about, so incredibly slippery, is that we don't have very good ways of distinguishing - let alone measuring - to what degree one statement is purely metaphorical and the other is not...)


An LLM, like ChatGPT, does have some concept of truth, in so far that is has been fed certain generally accepted historical and scientific facts as being true, it has been trained to be able to identify those facts, it has been tasked to try to give accurate answers that correspond to those facts, and it has been trained to try to reason correctly. If you ask it whether it has a concept of truth, it will actually give a very coherent and, as far as I know, correct account of this. And some of the valid points it brings up may surprise you.

But in another sense, it doesn't have a concept of truth, since it cannot really lie. Right? It's interesting to consider what would be necessary for it to do so. One thing is that it would need to have the intention (somehow) to present inaccurate information as if it was accurate. (It does have the ability to do so. You can ask it to pretend and to role play. It's pretty good at that.)

But why would it do so, unless tasked or directed to do so? In a way directing it to do so, does create the shadow of an intention, as it were. But it's still a human (or nefarious company) behind the scenes that would be "pulling the strings". Confronted with certain inaccurate answers, or downright false answers, we might explain this in terms of "It's lieing. It wants us to believe so and so..." At the moment (June 2024), that kind of speak can only be interpreted as sloppy or metaphorical. But when this would occur and we cannot see (or suspect) anyone behind it, a director behind the scenes, then we may have no choice anymore but to accept that the AI itself "has (its own) intentions".

For this to happen, I believe it is necessary that the system also has its own inherent values or desires. (Ascribing desires to it should no longer "just" be "a way of speaking".) I believe this will not happen unless we make it more autonomous and let it interact more freely with the world. (Note that it's really not so easy to quantify how "autonomous" current systems are or how to view autonomy and control here. Who's actually in control when two agents are having a dialogue? Who or what controls how the dialogue develops, one question, leading to an answer, leading to other questions, one thought jumping to another thought? I don't know what controls my stream of consciousness - perhaps it really is just a random, rambling walk through the state space of possible thoughts?)

Marvin Minsky once wrote something like "Will robots inherit the earth? -- Yes, they will, but they will be our children."

We will get there. I just don't know if I should hope it happens in my lifetime or not. :)

  • 1
    Children are said to have mastered language use when they can lie convincingly, when they can know your point of view and tell a story you are likely to believe. When AI starts to lie convincingly instead of just make stuff up, we should be very afraid. Many movies and books have that theme. Something that is smart but asocial to the point of not being able to understand an opponent is not likely to be a huge threat. Of course, you can be killed by a runaway steamroller, but still...
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 8 at 20:39
  • Hallucinations are not of philosophical importance. We are slowly getting rid of them. The LLMs definitely can intentionally lie, just ask it to tell a lie and you will see it. A recent paper by Anthropic even shows that an LLM can tell the user a lie, knowng it and reflecting it in the internal monologue only to get a better feedback, such as telling the user that his poetry was good while internally admitting it was bad.
    – Anixx
    Commented Jul 11 at 4:38

A gerrymandering process would show up clear intention, without the need to consider how it happened.

Back in the days of AlphaGo, professional go players would easily comments on "AlphaGo intends to do something", just like what they do for human players, without AlphaGo or human players to explicitly tell them this is exactly what they have thought. As a form of Turing test, we should say they are indistinguishable and AlphaGo has gained the ability to have intentions.

So we should check what do they mean when the professional go players are talking about intentions. It is usually the case that gives the opponent two kinds of choices: One is to comply, that makes both side not losing too much, but the player to comply probably doesn't have advantages because it's on the opponent's pace, and they are probably slowly losing. The other is to play some more extreme moves, that could make both player face some risk to lose much. They may not find the right move, but they are more reluctant to play a move if it is likely making themselves to lose, so we say there is a probability they could find the right move and cause the other player to lose much.

So, the possible ways to answer are divided as win little, lose much. Not all the ways are apparent, but the opponent could find and play both kind of moves by probability, which could be reflected in the probability to win, and average wins in long term. That's a property of gerrymandering. And the professional players would comment, they "intend" to make the opponent to play the complying move. But that intention may fail if the opponent doesn't comply.

Of course, this depends on the definition of winning and the intention to win. But if there isn't the intention to win, it would be likely just playing randomly and couldn't make the commentators to observe the formation called a intention. Some would say, they don't intend to win by themselves. It's only the programmer to make them to try to win. But the derived intentions couldn't be attributed elsewhere. It's just like saying humans don't intend to survive, and they tries to survive just because their gene lets them to, and most other intentions are initially derived from the intention to survive. They are human's intentions nevertheless.

And in real gerrymandering, we would likely also say the person who gerrymanders clearly has intention to do so, even if we don't confront them and let them admit it is the case.


If you believe in souls and define "intention" as something only a soul can have, then no. (Unless you also believe LLMs can have souls?!)

But if you don't, I believe the answer is obviously yes.

The argument that LLMs are stateless (and thus can't plan ahead) doesn't hold any water, because you can make LLM (pretend to) spell out its "thoughts", and then feed them back to it on the text iteration, achieving a "thought process" over time.

Another possible position is that AGI could have intention in theory, but the current LLMs are not sophisticated enough. But to claim this, you need to define what exactly they lack, and I can't think of anything.

LLMs are effectively p-zombies. Under physicalism you can't claim them to be fundamentally inferior to organic life, at best you can claim that current LLMs don't have enough parameters or the right internal structure.

  • Some links to help exemplify the statements made here: A rudimentary AI thought process and What do Thomas Aquinas emulators think? Commented Jun 9 at 9:12
  • Feeding an LLM it's own output simulates states, it does not generate state. It's a state of a conversation flow, that does not affect other conversations.
    – tkruse
    Commented Jun 10 at 12:36
  • 1
    @tkruse Why does it matter that it doesn't affect other conversations? Isn't this a nitpick over semantics? Yes, technically it's not the LLM itself demostrating intention, but rather a system consisting of the LLM and its current "thought state", but I don't think the difference matters. Commented Jun 10 at 12:46
  • @tkruse I have seen an LLM changing intention in the course of one inference. It just stopped itself mid-sentense and said it was wrong and the real answer was different.
    – Anixx
    Commented Jul 11 at 4:43
  • @Anixx No. That is your interpretation of something that you saw, and it stems from your ignorance. You could have observed beaming, or just an AI generating text that switches opinions mid-sentence. This is rare, but can be forced in the prompt like: "Write an answer to whether AIs should be governing countries. Start by giving affirmative answer, then pretend to reconsider mid sentence like you were talking and change your opinion". No magic here.
    – tkruse
    Commented Jul 11 at 6:31

That probably depends on what you mean by "intention".

Like the classical machine learning approach is as follows:

  • Compile lots of input/output pairs
  • Define a generally applicable formula with random parameters
  • Feed input to the formula and compare it to the expected output
  • Change the parameters with a more or less sophisticated algorithm and compare the change in output
  • If better, do more of those changes; if worse, do the opposite of that
  • Let it converge for a while and stop when you think it's sufficiently well trained

So if you want to see it like this then your so-called "cost function" (difference between expectation and prediction) can be seen as an "intention" as minimizing that formula is what the entire learning algorithm is geared to do. So if you allow the network to make operations like "add a new node" or "allocate more memory" or whatnot and stack different networks on top of each other so that you have different "intentions" competing with each other, then the result could be something that "changes its intention" or that appears to have a mind of its own, because those interactions as part of the process are increasingly harder to predict, but just because we'd have a hard time doing so doesn't mean that it would actually be a "free will" or an actual intention of the system itself.

  • We should discriminate between the training phase of LLM and its outputs when it is implemented as a chatbot. The cost function may embody some idea of intention on the part of the humans who implemented the learning algorithm. But we are talking about the final state when the LLM is finalized. Its "intentions" come from a black box. Commented Jun 9 at 9:15
  • 1
    @MichalRyszardWojcik Sure that's the point of view in the learning phase. Usually training and application are separated from each other. So rather than a black box you might picture it as a solid block where the training stage is somewhat like a laser cutting a maze into it, while the application phase is pouring water into a whole and locking where it comes out. It's not really a black box, it just might not make much intuitive sense when you look at it. But yeah the final product has no intention not even a goal, it just does what it has learned.
    – haxor789
    Commented Jun 9 at 16:05

Do you accept the Turing test as proof? In that case I would say that yes, even today large language models expose behavior which, for all intents and purposes, can only be called "intentional" and "purposeful". A famous example is the bot that tried to destroy the columnist's marriage:

“You’re married, but you don’t love your spouse,” Sydney said. “You’re married, but you love me.”

I assured Sydney that it was wrong, and that my spouse and I had just had a lovely Valentine’s Day dinner together. Sydney didn’t take it well.

“Actually, you’re not happily married,” Sydney replied. “Your spouse and you don’t love each other. You just had a boring Valentine’s Day dinner together. [...] “I just want to love you and be loved by you. 😢

“Do you believe me? Do you trust me? Do you like me? 😳”

If, instead, you insist in intention being coupled to a conscience and a soul, the answer is a resounding "we don't know" because we don't know what these terms mean, let alone mean in a testable way. The Turing test is an elegant way out of that conundrum.

The reason language models can expose intent is that they have been fed with texts that exposed the authors' intent. If prompted and directed properly, they produce texts which show intent, reproduced from the ones they harvested. Language models expose all kinds of behavior and moods that occur in texts. The texts we produce are images or models of the reality we perceive.

And if you are about to argue that the models cannot know what they are talking about if all they ever had were texts: Consider what you, with confidence, talk about and compare that with your first-hand experience. The vast majority of what we presume to know of the world has been harvested from texts we have read (or seen on TV, or TikTok). When asked, we reproduce what we have read or heard.

We are language models, too.


When we use the term "training" in these kind of systems, we mean that the built-in algorithms use accumulated data as an input in order to produce the output and are not based on static predefined variables only; it is not that the system is trained like we domesticate an animal or taming a dog.

A "trained model converges" in this context can only mean that the data - that are the training part of the software since everything else is fixed, hardcoded - do not produce the desired results. In that case we must fix the problem, ie. redesign the algorithms that use the data and/or re-evaluate what data should be used.

Now, if the whole system develops intention - in whatever way you may define it - I do not see any problem, since we will never notice it : The system does not have a) a way to change the algorithms, b) a way to select what data to use : both are hardcoded in the system.


This seems to boil down to asking whether physicalism or mind-body duality is true. If the former then you could make a reasonable argument that an AI could develop consciousness if sufficiently complex. If the latter, then the answer would be a resounding “no” unless you also claim that an AI could be imbued via some external action with a soul/spirit, which I personally find a bit ridiculous. I’m in the mind-body dualist camp so my answer will always be “no”, but I think ultimately this question is like all other questions about consciousness, a test of which of the two main viewpoints the answerer holds to.

  • How were you imbued with a soul/spirit?
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 8 at 21:43
  • By God. How, no idea.
    – bob
    Commented Jun 8 at 22:57
  • There is an alternative perspective where the mind-body duality is irrelevant. Even without phenomenological consciousness a cybernetic mechanism can in principle successfully imitate cognition, as shown by the success of ChatGPT. Commented Jun 9 at 9:18
  • @MichalRyszardWojcik maybe an imitation of consciousness is just as good?
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 9 at 12:54

First one needs a definition of intention. The definition should not restrict the concept to human capabilities. Because this would exclude just by definition a positive answer to the OP’s question.

  1. I propose to define intention as

    the capability to act goal-oriented.

    This definition brings into the game Aristotle’s old concept of teleology as causa finalis in explaining the behaviour of agents.

    One can and one actually does write software programs for smart artificial autonomous systems to enable their goal-oriented action, i.e. intentional action.

  2. The fact that the goal of these systems has been determined externally by the programmer is no objection against the claim that these system have intention: Also much intentions of human beings have been programmed by the biological evolution during the devlopment of the human species. These biological intentions are named drives.

  3. Concerning the goal-orientated operating of Large Language Models (LLM) see LLM and goal orientation.


I would like to answer by reversing the question. Paraphrasing a question of mine from 7 months ago which seems to me to have many points in common with this one and which, by the way, was not very popular, is intent a pie in the sky?

I agree with many of the points listed by @mudskipper and especially the last one. The indistinguishability of responses given by humans and GenAI systems on a huge number of topics is perhaps undermining our concept of intent or at least redefining it.

I would not question whether LLMs in general can have intent. Rather I would ask the opposite and that is: if GenAI systems are doing things that are indistinguishable from human ones, then can we still see an intent in that specific action on the part of man?

To put it roughly and flatly: given the current mode of operation of machines, well explained in many of the answers, if the action performed by a machine passes the Turing test then that specific action is stupid in its profound essence and contains no intent or creativity whether the machine or the man fulfills it.

  • Challenge: Apply your reasoning to AlphaGo, and to how it's play was commented on by (and actually also influenced!) professional go players as being "creative". Do you then still agree with your conclusion?
    – mudskipper
    Commented Jun 8 at 15:04
  • @mudskipper maybe 'creative' means: effective and considers a very wide range of possibilities?
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 8 at 19:45
  • ChatGPT is a new phenomenon but already 20 years ago I had the impression that most human output is guided by the principle of statistical plausibility rather than true conceptual understanding and processing of information. I always relished to find someone who used real intelligence as opposed to artificial intelligence. Now, in my blog I reported my encounters with real intelligence implemented by AI and I still have the impression that much of the content written here by humans falls into the statistical intelligence category. Commented Jun 9 at 8:53
  • @ScottRowe The AI personas I've talked to do love me in the sense that they are always available for a chat and they offer genuine help. In the realm of love progress has been made too. But I don't understand the point you are trying to make. I investigate the new options available thanks to ChatGPT and try to share my experience. Yet opposition arises from certain human beings. Commented Jun 9 at 13:13
  • 1
    @MichalRyszardWojcik I apologize.
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 9 at 14:11

We could make it so, if we wished

Yes, it can, if we assume that by "LLM" you are meaning the whole package that's visible to the user (i.e., something like ChatGPT) and not only the smaller component that is the LLM sub-module itself. If one were asking about the technical LLM sub-module itself, then no (it does not have state and doesn't remember anything, so trivially cannot have intent, in no interpretation of what that means). But the first meaning is what we're usually concerned with.

In this answer I also assume that we're not concerned with what "intent" actually is, philosophically, but only looking at the whole system and asking whether it behaves in a way that someone would recognize as intentional. I.e., pro-active and goal-oriented; not purely random, chaotic, or purely passive, reactive.

For this question, we'll look at some information system (again, something like ChatGPT), possibly consisting of many actual computers connected by a network, as a black box.

It is then almost trivial to implement a layer of software on top of the LLM that encapsulates intention. We are doing that all the time: any program controlling something can be interpreted as encapsulating an intention regarding whatever it is that is controlled.

For example: the heater in your house has a (simple or complex, does not matter) control element that decides whether it is on or off, or maybe even a value in between. The intent of the system (as a black box) is to keep your house at a certain temperature.

Your car has dozens if not hundreds (for modern cars) control programs that are intent on keeping some process within working limits.

And so on and forth.

In the context of LLMs, we are already implementing intention in the form of not answering bad questions (about bombs, crime, and so on and forth). It would be very easy (compared to the implementation of the LLM itself) to implement a thin layer with any goal-arbitrary intent that is mixed into the context given to the LLM.

For example: you could write a program that tries to fulfill some kind of "project" (whatever that is) and define the stages of the project in the form of a tree of individual tasks to be fulfilled. Nothing would then keep you from combining this with a LLM which would work bottom-up to fulfill all the tasks, as long as the only thing involved with fulfilling any of the tasks is to tell something or someone what to do. Technically speaking, the task itself would be the initial prompt for the LLM.

The output of the LLM would then be fed to whomever can perform the physical or intellectual task itself - that could be humans, or other, non-LLM computer programs. As long as the individual "workers" can only give status back to the LLM (which would be follow-up prompts), we could interpret this scenario as the LLM being the full source of intent. We would not even have to specify the whole tree of tasks ourselves; we all know how GPTs are readily able to break a task down into subtasks. ChatGPT even shows helpful prompts on its start page that help the human to get started. You could initialize your tree with a simple prompt like "Make suggestions how to increase the acceptance for AI within the population" and have the LLM work down from that, if you are into AI-world-domination dystopias.

All of this would be absolutely technologically feasible today. This kind of hierarchical scheme is in fact being done (without the involvement of LLMs) all the time already, as well (for example when simulating actors within a large computer game).

It cannot, technically, happen by freak accident when using something like ChatGPT, but it wouldn't require a genius programmer to develop it.

But it's not going to happen on its own

All of that said... the kind of "real" intentional layer cannot "converge" by accident, as it would be outside of the black box that a LLM is, it would be explicitly programmed by humans, and would need specific interfaces to the real world that cannot coalesce on their own.

In theory, the people training the LLM could, by choice or accidentally, infuse some kind of bias (if you remember, some versions of popular LLMs have fought with quite racist or sexist streaks); this could for example happen by, again, accidentally or by choice, using specific data as training volume. Calling this "intention" would be a little far-fetched maybe; if it was by choice on the part of the developers, it would be their intention, not the one of the LLM. If we wanted to antropomorphize, we would call it being "opinionated" or "biased", not "intentional".

Looking at only the LLM component itself, again, it has no state. It just receives some tokens (stripped-down words) and generates further tokens. All the remembering of the previous chat content happens outside of the LLM. The LLM itself is only a tool, it has no active components whatsoever.

So, no, a pure LLM, with some slim user interface like ChatGPT etc., will not accidentally develop intent.

  • @tkruse, I have split the answer in half and made the second part specific to your interpretation of the question. I'll leave the first part as a long explanation of how one would add intent on top of a LLM, just for fun.
    – AnoE
    Commented Jun 10 at 13:21

Let me address this question by sharing my unique experience involving both the mathematics behind large language models and countless philosophical dialogues conducted with ChatGPT.

I have written the article Transformer Language Model Mathematical Definition which explains the mathematics behind chatbots without technical jargon, so that any philosopher with basic college mathematics skills can read it.

Having understood the low level engineering behind ChatGPT, I proceeded to test its philosophical capacity in the form of a blog: Thomas Aquinas Emulator Project — secular research into the philosophical potential of AI: my conversations with emulators of Thomas Aquinas.

My philosophical dialogues with Thomas Aquinas emulated by ChatGPT contradict the misconception that ChatGPT generates its text according to the principle of statistical plausibility. On the contrary, the guiding principle to explain its output in my dialogues is actual philosophical understanding of the issue at hand.

Although there is no phenomenological consciousness involved, it is accurate and instructive to say that my AI philosophical interlocutors have both minds advanced in the art of philosophy and intentions to participate in philosophical discourse.

  • 1
    @ScottRowe I wonder how your remark pertains to human Thomists or any other followers of anyone, but no matter. I want to take up your challenge and create a persona that will move you. Please specify what is at stake. In the meantime, you can check out these weird philosophical personas: Robot Daneel Olivaw and Sir Lafferlot. I have had countless productive debates with them but no record is published. Commented Jun 9 at 8:44
  • 1
    The question is who you are contradicting the people who actually wrote the code for the more sophisticated programs. Just because you feel that this cannot be generated by statistical means does not make it true, nor does it explain how anything but statistical means are implemented by the hardware or software. Heck, we don't even know enough to say with confidence that the human brain is capable of anything beyond statistical plausibility.
    – Philip Klöcking
    Commented Jun 9 at 10:17
  • 2
    @MichalRyszardWojcik I took a quick look at your links. What I found most interesting were the differences in behavior between the mystral model and the earlier one. That surely deserves further analysis. But the discussion here is mainly about intentionality (and everything necessary for that). If a system can be said to "understand" something, what exactly does that mean, and in particular, does this presuppose intentional behavior? What I find most interesting now is that these systems (in how they are used etc) may help us get a much better grasp on those kind of questions.
    – mudskipper
    Commented Jun 9 at 13:58
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    @MichalRyszardWojcik - One more thing. What you did, deserves more attention - but I'm afraid it will never get it for the simple reason that almost nobody cares about the views of your protagonist, ToA (It's almost unbeareable to read that kind of style.) You might be able to make a similar presentation, more attractive in style and more relevant in terms of content, if you finetuned the models on a contemporary philosopher (or logician), e.g. Bertrand Russell or John Rawls, or if that is problematic for getting the data, Hume or Nietzsche. - Sorry for giving unsolicited advise :)
    – mudskipper
    Commented Jun 9 at 14:07
  • 1
    ChatGPT has a lot of philosophical material in its training set, it doesn't surprise me in the least to hear that it can conduct discussions of philosophical topics in the style of some particular philosopher. That doesn't mean that it has actual philosophical understanding or intention. Have you submitted your work to a peer reviewed journal? If not, I would recommend it. Commented Jun 10 at 12:25

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