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Is there Has any difference between something that’sphilosophy in history coherently disambiguated the state of being “real” and something that “exists”from being “existent”? Let’s disambiguate shall weSuch that it’s broadly applicable to thoughts?

Post Closed as "Duplicate" by user14511, David Gudeman, Conifold, BillOnne, Mozibur Ullah
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I suspect that things which simply exist are not bound bound by limits and are hence unlimited. According to economic thinking, real things are those which are scarce or limited by constraints of physical reality and progressive expiry. Looking for further conjectures that can disambiguate what’s real from what exists.

I suspect that things which simply exist are not bound bound by limits and are hence unlimited. According to economic thinking, real things are those which are scarce or limited by constraints of physical reality and progressive expiry. Looking for further conjectures that can disambiguate what’s real from what exists.

I suspect that things which simply exist are not bound by limits and are hence unlimited. According to economic thinking, real things are those which are scarce or limited by constraints of physical reality and progressive expiry. Looking for further conjectures that can disambiguate what’s real from what exists.

Disambiguation is the goal here

Is there any difference between something that’s “real” and something that exists”“exists”? Let’s disambiguate shall we?

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