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I don't know the name of the fallacy. But there are several problems with it.

  1. Someone has an intention. That some specific consequence shall occur.

  2. Based on 1) and some information together with some prediction according to some judgement something was done.

  3. The consequences of 2) together with any other things which can affect it occurred.

The reasoning is good assuming both that the intentions in 1 are good, that the choice of action in 2 is good and that the consequence in 3 also was good (as intended).

  1. But the intention can be bad.

  2. Or it can be good, but the judgement of what to do was crappy.

  3. Or even the judgement was good, but due to lack of or faulty information the prediction was bad.

  4. Or both intention, judgement and prediction was good but some unforeseen action from a third party screwed up the consequence.

  5. Sometimes nothing was done at all and everything that caused the consequence was due to third party.

I don't know the name of the fallacy. But there are several problems with it.

  1. Someone has an intention. That some specific consequence shall occur.

  2. Based on 1) together with some prediction according to some judgement something was done.

  3. The consequences of 2) together with any other things which can affect it occurred.

The reasoning is good assuming both that the intentions in 1 are good, that the choice of action in 2 is good and that the consequence in 3 also was good (as intended).

  1. But the intention can be bad.

  2. Or it can be good, but the judgement of what to do was crappy.

  3. Or even the judgement was good, but due to lack of information the prediction was bad.

  4. Or both intention, judgement and prediction was good but some unforeseen action from a third party screwed up the consequence.

  5. Sometimes nothing was done at all and everything that caused the consequence was due to third party.

I don't know the name of the fallacy. But there are several problems with it.

  1. Someone has an intention. That some specific consequence shall occur.

  2. Based on 1) and some information together with some prediction according to some judgement something was done.

  3. The consequences of 2) together with any other things which can affect it occurred.

The reasoning is good assuming both that the intentions in 1 are good, that the choice of action in 2 is good and that the consequence in 3 also was good (as intended).

  1. But the intention can be bad.

  2. Or it can be good, but the judgement of what to do was crappy.

  3. Or even the judgement was good, but due to lack of or faulty information the prediction was bad.

  4. Or both intention, judgement and prediction was good but some unforeseen action from a third party screwed up the consequence.

  5. Sometimes nothing was done at all and everything that caused the consequence was due to third party.

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I don't know the name of the fallacy. But there are several problems with it.

  1. Someone has an intention. That some specific consequence shall occur.

  2. Based on 1) together with some prediction according to some judgement something was done.

  3. The consequences of 2) together with any other things which can affect it occurred.

The reasoning is good assuming both that the intentions in 1 are good, that the choice of action in 2 is good and that the consequence in 3 also was good (as intended).

  1. But the intention can be bad.

  2. Or it can be good, but the judgement of what to do was crappy.

  3. Or even the judgement was good, but due to lack of information the prediction was bad.

  4. Or both intention, judgement and prediction was good but some unforeseen action from a third party screwed up the consequence.

  5. Sometimes nothing was done at all and everything that caused the consequence was due to third party.