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Fixed typo and added WIkipedia link for Principle of Explosion.
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I wouldn't call this a logical fallacy, because the logical reasoning very well may be correct. A logical fallacy is when there is something wrong with the logical form of the argument, not its descriptive contents.

The opperativeoperative thing here is the Principle of ExplosionPrinciple of Explosion, which says that from a logical contradiction, every proposition can be derived.

I wouldn't call this a logical fallacy, because the logical reasoning very well may be correct. A logical fallacy is when there is something wrong with the logical form of the argument, not its descriptive contents.

The opperative thing here is the Principle of Explosion, which says that from a logical contradiction, every proposition can be derived.

I wouldn't call this a logical fallacy, because the logical reasoning very well may be correct. A logical fallacy is when there is something wrong with the logical form of the argument, not its descriptive contents.

The operative thing here is the Principle of Explosion, which says that from a logical contradiction, every proposition can be derived.

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I wouldn't call this a logical fallacy, because the logical reasoning very well may be correct. A logical fallacy is when there is something wrong with the logical form of the argument, not its descriptive contents.

The opperative thing here is the Principle of Explosion, which says that from a logical contradiction, every proposition can be derived.