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Timeline for Is Tipping Morally Justifiable?

Current License: CC BY-SA 4.0

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May 22 at 12:41 comment added haxor789 @ScottRowe Not really my intended takeaway, though some of the questions could be read as such. Sorry :(
May 22 at 12:22 comment added Scott Rowe Gosh, I somehow feel worse now about leaving a dollar when I go to pick up a sandwich for lunch.
May 21 at 22:28 comment added haxor789 @WeatherVane These aren't generalizations but questions, also they cover a wide range of perspectives to showcase the ambiguity in the question. Like for example if you think these jobs are essential, that has a whole different moral angle to it than if you think they are superfluous. Also not sure how utilitarians would rank this essential benefit as it likely doesn't apply to the majority of customers. Also if you believe in division of labor, then how is tipping and minimum wage moral? And if rich people want to give away money, why let people work for it rather than donating?
May 21 at 17:25 comment added Weather Vane Your generalistion that people who use service industries are 'lazy' is false. They may not be physically capable, or intellectually capable, or have the skill set, to do X. Or they may believe that a division of labour is beneficial to society. Or those "rich assoles" as you put it might like to share their wealth by spending it, instead of hoarding it.
May 21 at 13:50 history answered haxor789 CC BY-SA 4.0