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I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be ee(2.71..) which can technically be written as: e

If one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as: e

If one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e(2.71..) which can technically be written as: e

If one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

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I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as e if: e

If one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as e if one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as: e

If one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

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I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as e if one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

I am not sure if this is a proper answer but here goes nothing.

I believe, Infinity is a concept, it is not a number but A CONCEPT, a concept of INCREMENT at that (the manipulation of increment beyond our limits). I personally think that is all it is. The application of increment. To show this I will make a slight detour into math. It is actually logically established that some infinities are bigger than other infinities. This statement actually fully encapsulates the core philosophical concept of infinity which is increment or the rate of increment usually in terms of value in numbers. George Cantor with his famous Cantor's diagonal shows that some sets of infinity are bigger than others. Basically, from my perspective, by showing the set of rational numbers (therefore the infinity in this set) is bigger than the set of integers (again the infinite number in this set) by just taking these two cases you can see that by decreasing the increment from whole jumps (from 1 to 2 in the case of integers) instead we have decreased the rate of increment from 1 to 1.(infinite zeros)1 then to 1.(infinite zeros)2 for the case of rational numbers, this is an extreme case but you see my analogy. (Similar yet slightly different method can be used for comparison between rational and real numbers, the method kind of fails when comparing complex numbers because it introduces another dimension)

Another interesting application of infinity as a concept is Calculus, where we can find the areas for different regions one of the notable ones being the circle (pi) by infinitesimally (i.e., decreasing the rate of increment just like my analogy for rational numbers) to create a sense of continuity and consecutively measure the perimeter/area of region accurately, to the tee (to the point it shows us the "objectively" accurate measurement). I have an assumption that Pi is irrational because of accuracy that arises from the application of infinity. (The actual full number of Pi is not known because, you guessed it, it continues infinitely. We still are on the quest to reach the longest digit calculated; so far we have 100 trillion digits, thanks to Google Cloud)

Another spectacular example, would be e which can technically be written as e if one considered infinity to be a number and therefore its interaction with operators (arithmetic) to be like other numbers one would first calculate inside the bracket to obtain 1 and the result would be 1 but this is not the case infinity being a different concept changes the usual arithmetic/math, that one uses with finite numbers.

I personally think that infinity developed as a concept in human beings as soon as numbers and therefore counting emerged. Our ancestors might have realized (as heuristics) that one can keep counting (start from 1 increase to 2 then 3 and so on and so forth) i.e., test the limits of counting and in doing so establish that one can continue forever and therefore packaged this realization into the concept of infinity. (Pure unfounded assumption, take with a grain of salt)

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Complex numbers
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But again remember that there are no actual circles or figures in "objective" reality, what does that say about your previous statement surely a beautiful paradox. Paradoxes are beyond human comprehension. But take the quantum computer that works on a state of superposition i.e., 0,1 and 0&1.
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use of the concept of infinities to get to "objective" reality - it's implications are really huge
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