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#1. Cat in a electronics hobbyist house (90%; 74%; 2,604)

1. Cat in a electronics hobbyist house (90%; 74%; 2,604)

#2. Why is my rabbit / bunny angry? (89%; 59%; 3,833)

2. Why is my rabbit / bunny angry? (89%; 59%; 3,833)

#3. How best to discipline a kitten? (91%; 70%; 4,912)

3. How best to discipline a kitten? (91%; 70%; 4,912)




###Fix There'sThere's a bunch of comments that could be cleaned up and potentially we should work on trying to improve some of the lower scoring answers. I'll wait to see what others make of this question specifically before making any changes.

#4. How to keep my cat stress free during periods of constant 90dB+ sound? (95%; 73%; 7,391)

4. How to keep my cat stress free during periods of constant 90dB+ sound? (95%; 73%; 7,391)

#5. How is a dog's health affected if he's (almost) never bathed? (92%; 83%; 5,259)

5. How is a dog's health affected if he's (almost) never bathed? (92%; 83%; 5,259)

#1. Cat in a electronics hobbyist house (90%; 74%; 2,604)

#2. Why is my rabbit / bunny angry? (89%; 59%; 3,833)

#3. How best to discipline a kitten? (91%; 70%; 4,912)


###Fix There's a bunch of comments that could be cleaned up and potentially we should work on trying to improve some of the lower scoring answers. I'll wait to see what others make of this question specifically before making any changes.

#4. How to keep my cat stress free during periods of constant 90dB+ sound? (95%; 73%; 7,391)

#5. How is a dog's health affected if he's (almost) never bathed? (92%; 83%; 5,259)

1. Cat in a electronics hobbyist house (90%; 74%; 2,604)

2. Why is my rabbit / bunny angry? (89%; 59%; 3,833)

3. How best to discipline a kitten? (91%; 70%; 4,912)



There's a bunch of comments that could be cleaned up and potentially we should work on trying to improve some of the lower scoring answers. I'll wait to see what others make of this question specifically before making any changes.

4. How to keep my cat stress free during periods of constant 90dB+ sound? (95%; 73%; 7,391)

5. How is a dog's health affected if he's (almost) never bathed? (92%; 83%; 5,259)

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#1. Cat in a electronics hobbyist house (90%; 74%; 2,604)


This is a great question and there are several really good answers on it. There's a lot of information around on the internet that specifies dangers for cats but nothing that's easily available that points to specifically electronics. There are elements of this question as trond hansen points out in the comments, this is also applicable to other animals that may be able to roam free around the house. Interestingly, this question isn't that easy to find through Google. The word 'hobbyist' seems to be key. This question was a Hot Network Question (HNQ) so gained quite a lot of views.


This was HNQ so a lot of users turned up to upvote it. Due to the high specificity of the search terms, it's probably unlikely that a lot of anonymous users found it.


Added the 'containment' tag

#2. Why is my rabbit / bunny angry? (89%; 59%; 3,833)


There actually seems to be a bunch of information generally regarding aggression in rabbits. From a quick google, I managed to turn up quite a few reasonable results:

Some of those also provide similar advise to the highly upvoted answer on that question but it's much more verbose. There is a lot more reading required to extrapolate the information.


Due to the fact that the information is more available on the internet, this probably explains why there are less engaged anonymous users. There are a bunch of views but this also looks like it was a Hot Network Question.


  • Removed a comment

#3. How best to discipline a kitten? (91%; 70%; 4,912)


There are some other sources of information about this but mainly they seem to consist of a forum style thread which makes it much harder to read.


There's a lot of answers here and the question itself is actually quite verbose. Whilst there is a bit of difference in the approval of the regular users and the anonymous users, I could believe that this might be due to the wordiness of the question. It takes quite a bit of reading for what is ultimately a simple question. If it could be divided into the actual question and 'additional information' it might stop people having to read so much. Some of the answers are full of information (almost to the extreme) and others are very brief. The top voted answer is great at summarising the key points without requiring too much reading effort. Whilst the information we have on this specific problem is of a good standard, there are alternative sources of information around.

###Fix There's a bunch of comments that could be cleaned up and potentially we should work on trying to improve some of the lower scoring answers. I'll wait to see what others make of this question specifically before making any changes.

#4. How to keep my cat stress free during periods of constant 90dB+ sound? (95%; 73%; 7,391)


As you can imagine, there's a bunch of information on the internet about how to keep all animals calm during periods of loud noise (generally fireworks). A lot of charities, retailers, news outlets and hobbyist forums have issued suggestions on how best to deal with this problem:


The high approval rate from known users and the reasonable approval of anonymous users is encouraging because there's a lot of other information out there which provides answers to this question but this is still highly rated. It may also have played a part that this question was posted before a bunch of Firework events around the world so may have drawn more attention. There's a couple of great answers here which are clear and easy to read. They provide the facts without complicating the matter.


If I really tried to find a criticism it might be that it's quite specific to cats. A lot of animals will have similar issues and it seems a shame to silo this information with only the tag. (Again, this is only if I'm being really picky...)

#5. How is a dog's health affected if he's (almost) never bathed? (92%; 83%; 5,259)


As above - there seems to be a lot of information on this. A frequently asked question which has a bunch of answers from retailers, charities etc.


The highest upvoted answer explains most of what the sources above explain but in an anecdotal way which keeps the reader's attention. With 83% anonymous approval, this question is the favourite of our 5 selections. A basic guide to what has already worked with longer haired breeds provides a good basis for information. Supplemented with 2 other anecdotal answers, this question has a relatively confident answer to this question.


The lowest scoring answer makes a claim about there being nothing to confirm this either way which I'm not sure is 100% accurate.