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Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

BeKeep organized, keep focused, and be as specific as possible:.

The best way to make sure your answer is as specific as possibleworst thing that can happen is to constantly asklosing the viewer halfway through an argument. Arguments that are vague drive people away.

Ask yourself, "what" and "why". "What" is the problem, "why" is it the problem, "what" is the solution, and "why" is that the solution.

Even if you think the person might know it, itDon't ever worry about over-explaining something to your viewer. It could be useful to someone visiting your answer sometime later on.

Keep organized, and keep focused:


If you find yourself struggling to stay on topic, or someone has mentioned to you that your answer seems to be pretty vague or unclear. The worstbest thing thatyou can happendo is losingrevisit your thesis.

  • A thesis statement should identify a specific purpose, a specific way to accomplish the purpose, and oftentimes a specific audience (depending on the type of essay).
  • A thesis statement should assert something about the essay.
  • A thesis statement should be easily identifiable by a reader and should be clear and not ambiguous.


Your thesis is the viewer halfway through an argumentwhole premise for your answer. ArgumentsIf someone asks why their dog is scratching so much, I could answer that are vague drive people awayit's because it has fleas. Their dog having fleas is my thesis, and I would then provide my reasoning for why I believe it has fleas. It might look something like this:

Be accurate:

I believe your dog has fleas. Fleas are little parasitic bugs that live in the fur of dogs and drink it's blood. In order to drink blood, the fleas have to bite through the skin, which in turn, causes the dog's skin to itch as part of a reaction to the flea's saliva, and the healing process of the new open wound.

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail](\).

Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

Be as specific as possible:

The best way to make sure your answer is as specific as possible is to constantly ask yourself, "what" and "why". "What" is the problem, "why" is it the problem, "what" is the solution, and "why" is that the solution.

Even if you think the person might know it, it could be useful to someone visiting your answer later on.

Keep organized, and keep focused:

The worst thing that can happen is losing the viewer halfway through an argument. Arguments that are vague drive people away.

Be accurate:

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail](\).

Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Keep organized, keep focused, and be as specific as possible.

The worst thing that can happen is losing the viewer halfway through an argument. Arguments that are vague drive people away.

Ask yourself, "what" and "why". "What" is the problem, "why" is it the problem, "what" is the solution, and "why" is that the solution.

Don't ever worry about over-explaining something to your viewer. It could be useful to someone visiting your answer sometime later on.


If you find yourself struggling to stay on topic, or someone has mentioned to you that your answer seems to be pretty vague or unclear. The best thing you can do is revisit your thesis.

  • A thesis statement should identify a specific purpose, a specific way to accomplish the purpose, and oftentimes a specific audience (depending on the type of essay).
  • A thesis statement should assert something about the essay.
  • A thesis statement should be easily identifiable by a reader and should be clear and not ambiguous.


Your thesis is the whole premise for your answer. If someone asks why their dog is scratching so much, I could answer that it's because it has fleas. Their dog having fleas is my thesis, and I would then provide my reasoning for why I believe it has fleas. It might look something like this:

I believe your dog has fleas. Fleas are little parasitic bugs that live in the fur of dogs and drink it's blood. In order to drink blood, the fleas have to bite through the skin, which in turn, causes the dog's skin to itch as part of a reaction to the flea's saliva, and the healing process of the new open wound.

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail](\).

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Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

Be as specific as possible:

Keep organized: The best way to make sure your answer is as specific as possible is to constantly ask yourself, "what" and "why". "What" is the problem, "why" is it the problem, "what" is the solution, and "why" is that the solution.

Even if you think the person might know it, it could be useful to someone visiting your answer later on.

Keep organized, and keep focused:

The worst thing that can happen is losing the viewer halfway through an argument. Arguments that are vague drive people away.

Be accurate:

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail](\).

Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

Be as specific as possible:

Keep organized:

Keep focused:

Be accurate:

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail]().

Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

Be as specific as possible:

The best way to make sure your answer is as specific as possible is to constantly ask yourself, "what" and "why". "What" is the problem, "why" is it the problem, "what" is the solution, and "why" is that the solution.

Even if you think the person might know it, it could be useful to someone visiting your answer later on.

Keep organized, and keep focused:

The worst thing that can happen is losing the viewer halfway through an argument. Arguments that are vague drive people away.

Be accurate:

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail](\).

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Unclear and/or Lacking Detail

When arguing, the true enemy is a lack of understanding. In order to agree with an argument, one must first understand it.

Here are some suggestions to keep your argument as clear as possible:

Be as specific as possible:

Keep organized:

Keep focused:

Be accurate:

I found this answer to be [unclear and/or lacking detail]().